1. Be self-confident and optimistic. Be able to work at a feverish pitch.
- 原句已经很好地表达了拥有自信和乐观态度,以及极高工作热情的意思。
2. A strong sense of working enthusiasm and responsibilities.
- 这句话的表述已经很清晰,强调了个人对工作的热情和责任感。
3. You are a team player with a strong work ethic and attention to detail.
- 这句话描绘了一个具有强烈职业道德和对细节关注度的团队工作者,语义明确,无需改写。
4. He said: "There was some enthusiasm for the legislation. Some others had no such enthusiasm," Reid said.
- 这句话的时态需要修正以保持一致性。应将第二句中的"had"改为"had no",以与第一句的过去时态保持一致。