

人称的复数时,都用 do .
第三人称单数时,用 does( he does she does it does )
例如: I do my homework on Sunday.
You do your homework on Sunday.
We do our homework on Sunday.
You do your homework on Sunday.
They do their homeworkon Sunday.
He does his homework on Sunday.
She does her homework on Sunday. 否定形式是don't,doesn't
第1个回答  2013-07-07
如果人称是第三人称单数,则用does,如he she it 是单数a plane等等的名词都是属於单数,还有不可数名词後面也用单数,即是用does,否定式则是doesn't,如果不是第三人称单数则不用does,用do
第2个回答  2013-07-07
1.she does"t play basketball 或者是这样。。used to do sth. 句型表示“过去常常,过去习惯。”表示过去的某种习惯(过去经常反复发生的动作或状态)。

e.g. I used to live there when I was a child.

否定式:used not to do sth.

口语中:didn’t use to do sth.

(used not可缩写为usedn’t或usen’t.)

e.g. I used not to live there when I was a child.

I didn’t use to live there when I was a child.

疑问句:used sb. to do sth.?
Did sb. use to do sth.?
e.g. Used you to live there when you was a child.
Did you use to live there when you was a child?
used to do sth.与be used to (doing) sth.的区别
1. used to do sth. “过去总做某事”(现在不做了)只用于过去时态。
e.g. He used to get up early.
2. be used to (doing) sth. 表“习惯于做某事”,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态,be可以用become, get等来代替,此处to是介词。
第3个回答  2013-07-07