

原文 Myth and legend Qixijie always connected, it is a very beautiful, eternal love story spread, and has become one of the four legends of the folk legend.

Passed long ago, there is an intelligent Nanyang Story cattle Shijiazhuang. Honest young man, premature deaths of parents, sister-in-law had to go with my brother, sister-in-law Markov human malice, often abused him and forced him to do many activities, autumn 2001, wife forced him to go to break and give him nine head of cattle and left him with 10 other head of cattle when the home, leaving no choice but to the story of cattle out of the village.

Cowherd alone one urging cattle into the mountains, grassland, dense forests on the mountain and he sat tree sad, but do not know when we can hurried 10 head of cattle to return home this time, a refund all white for the elderly in front of him, and asked him why he sad, after learning of his experiences, and laugh, he said : "The other sad, in the Funiu mountains head fell sick the buffaloes, you have to make good feeding it, such as buffaloes disease is cured, you can urging it home.

Cowherd schools, tents road, they finally found a home, sick buffaloes, he saw the buffaloes sick a lot and went to the buffaloes over the endless grass fed series of the day, but it depositing only raised his head told him : his is the sky gray cattle Niltava, violated the-day was demoted following days, broken legs, can not move at all. His injury revealed the need flowers can be washed month, the story of defying hard, careful to take care of the buffaloes month, the day of buffaloes Florescence then dew-treatment, the elderly around the arms of sleep at night, but it illnesses, the story happily leaving 10 head of cattle back home.

After returning home, his sister-in-law is still bad, there have been several to hurt him, but it has been trying to save them, very angry wife finally put the story out of their homes, as long as the story of the home, but it accompanies.

One day, Weaver and the sky realm where the game together, bathe in the river, the story of the Weaver understanding with the help of the buffaloes, two disagree affective, but they took to descend Weaver came to earth, the story of a wife. Weaver also Cecropin minutes from the sky to bring you and teach you, sericulture, silking, also produced by the silk-bright.

Cowherd and Weaver after marriage, men and women cultivated organization showed strong affections important, they had two children, a man and a woman, a family, live a happy life. But good things never last, it will soon allow Heaven knows, where the Queen Mother personally, forced Weaver back to the sky, affectionate couple were dismantled.

Cowherd God rivers, but it still tells the story, it dies, it can cause skin shoes and wear can be heaven. According to the story but it did, so to wear leather shoes, pulling their children, together with mood-elevating chase Weaver God, we must catch up with a saw, It turned out to the Queen Mother Jinzan takes off his head and waved to the roaring along the Milky Way will appear and at the Cowherd and Weaver both sides were only relative wept tears. They moved the magpie's true love, only 10 million magpie, row bridge to allow Myth path bridge to God, Queen Mother also had no choice but to allow the two men to the bridge to meet the annual July 7.

Later, each lunar story, from the bridge to meet Myth of the day, the girl who would come Huaqianyuexia, looking at the rise of the night sky to find the Galaxy both Altair and Vega, they hope to see the annual God, begging God can allow ourselves such as Weaver 93-1986, praying can be smug happiness of the marriage enrichment, which formed a Qixijie.
第1个回答  2013-06-23
翻译 七夕节始终和牛郎织女的传说相连,这是一个很美丽的,千古流传的爱情故事,成为我国四大民间爱情传说之一 。








第2个回答  2013-06-23
In late summer, the stars Altair and Vega are high in the night sky over China, and the Chinese tell the following love story, of which there are many variations:

A young cowherd named Niulang (牛郎, "the cowherd", the star Altair) happens across seven fairy sisters bathing in a lake. Encouraged by his mischievous companion the ox, he steals their clothes and waits to see what will happen. The fairy sisters elect the youngest and most beautiful sister Zhinü (织女, "the weaver girl", the star Vega) to retrieve their clothing. She does so, but since Niulang sees her naked she must agree to his request for marriage. She proves to be a wonderful wife, and Niulang a good husband, and they are very happy together. But the Goddess of Heaven (in some versions Zhinü's mother) finds out that a mere mortal has married one of the fairy girls and is furious. (In another version, the Goddess forced the weaver fairy back to her former duty of weaving colorful clouds in the sky because she could not do her job while married to the mortal.) Taking out her hairpin, the Goddess scratches a wide river in the sky to separate the two lovers forever (thus forming the Milky Way, which separates Altair and Vega).

Zhinü must sit forever on one side of the river, sadly weaving on her loom, while Niulang watches her from afar and takes care of their two children (his flanking stars β and γ Aquilae).

But once a year all the magpies in the world take pity on them and fly up into heaven to form a bridge over the star Deneb in the Cygnus constellation so the lovers may be together for a single night, the seventh night of the seventh moon.
第3个回答  2019-07-22
According to legend, the Cowherd suffered from a small life and lived with an old cow. He was very good at the old cow. One day, the old cow told the Cowherd that there would be a beautiful girl in the woods.
Under the words of the old cow, the cowherd met the weaver girl in the woods, and married her with her husband, cowherd and weaver, and gave birth to a child and a daughter. The days were very beautiful.
However, the Queen Mother had dismantled the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. The Cowherd was trapped by a Tianhe River, so he was on the riverside. The Weaver Girl was on the riverside and they crossed the river and became the Altair and the Vega.
Its hard not to be difficult to meet each other. They are looking forward to the reunion on July 7th of the following year, so they can only meet on the bridge when they are on the seventh night.
第4个回答  2023-03-11
The Myth of the Original Star-Crossed Lovers

Shannon Zhao

This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

In the celestial court of the Jade Emperor lived seven princesses. Each had their chosen place in court, but the youngest princess had a special skill. She could pluck clouds from the sky and spin them into the softest robes. Her work was so precise, not even the most expert eye could find a seam.

But her craft was the same day after day, and she longed for new inspiration. Finally, the Queen Mother granted the weaver permission to visit Earth. The other princesses would accompany her to protect their sister from earthly dangers. Dressed in special robes that allowed them to fly between Heaven and Earth, the sisters soared down from the sky. The weaver was in awe of the rolling hills and rivers, and the sisters decided to swim in one of the glittering streams. As the weaver floated, she dreamt about staying forever.

Meanwhile, a lone cowherd approached the riverbank. He came here often to sweep his parent’s grave and speak with his only companion – a stoic bull who listened patiently to the cowherd’s sorrows. But upon seeing the weaver’s beauty, the cowherd forgot his routine. While he longed to introduce himself, his lonely lifestyle had made him timid. Thankfully, the bull saw his friend’s plight and offered some advice. He told the cowherd of the swimmer’s celestial origins and of her dream to stay on Earth; but also that she could only remain if she lost her ticket back to Heaven.

As the cowherd approached, the princesses flew away in fear – leaving their dreaming sister behind. While keeping her magic robes hidden, the cowherd offered his own garment as a substitute. And after gaining her trust, the pair began exploring the countryside. She was struck by his caring nature, and he learned to see the world’s wonder through her eyes. Before long, the two had fallen deeply in love.

The weaver and the cowherd built a prosperous life. Their farm flourished, and the weaver taught her skills to local villagers. As time marched on, the pair was blessed with two healthy children, but their bull was growing old. Before he died, the bull implored the family to keep his hide and use its magic at their time of need. While the husband grieved for his friend, the weaver’s mind turned to her other family. Dusting off her magical robe, she decided to pay a visit to the heavens. But when the weaver swept into her old home, no one seemed surprised to see her. With a start, she realized that barely any time had passed – for a year on Earth was merely a day in Heaven.

When her family learned of her new life, they were enraged. How dare she waste her love on a human? The weaver tried to escape back to Earth, but the Queen Mother plucked a golden hairpin from her head and tore through the sky. A great gulf opened, forming a river of stars between Heaven and Earth. Below, the cowherd trembled, but he also remembered the bull’s final words. Hastily placing each child in a basket, he draped the bull’s pelt over his back and hurtled upwards.

Above the clouds, each lover attempted to wade through the surging stars. But no matter how hard they struggled, the gulf between them only grew wider. Day after day, the Queen Mother watched without pity. Years passed, and the weaver and the cowherd had no one except the passing magpies to cheer them on. Finally, their love moved the Queen Mother’s heart. While she couldn’t forgive her granddaughter entirely, the Queen Mother would allow the weaver to meet her earthly family once a year.

And so, in late summer, the magpies form a bridge across the Milky Way, reuniting the weaver and the cowherd. At this time of year, millions of people in East and Southeast Asian countries tell similar tales of these star-crossed lovers, celebrating their annual reunion.

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