
部分家长的观点——不该做家务——1、年纪还小,不必做家务 2、怕影响孩子的学习 3、只要学习好了,不做家务也没关系
老师的观点——应该做家务——1、可以培养中学生热爱劳动的好习惯 2、可以培养他们独立生活的能力 3、可以使他们更好地了解生活

nowadays,students are not doing the housework as before any longer. the points of teachers and parents are varied from each other.
some parents think it's not necessary for a kid to do the housework. the young age, the influence on their study is the main ones. what's more, some of them considered it more important to study rather than doing housework.
meanwhile, teachers are holding the opposite view.doing housework may bring them the good habit of doing cleaning, as well as their ability to live alone. and sometimes doing it may let them have a better understanding of life.
in my point, we should do some housework in order to keep our mood and body in a clean and healthy state.
第1个回答  2013-07-02

Some parents point of view - should not have to do housework - 1, little, and do not have to do housework 2, for fear of the impact on children 3 to learn, learning as long as well, not home does not matter

The teacher's point of view - should do housework - 1, middle school students and to cultivate love of good work habits 2, can develop their ability to live independently 3, so that they can better understand the life
第2个回答  2013-07-02
为何同样的问题? 我回答过了。