

TITLE:one of my favorite books
CONTENT: 例如:Moby-Dick is one of my favorite books, the novel mainly talks about a sailor, whose name is Ishmael, depressed by the alienation between man and society, man and universe, escaped from the corrupt, essentially godless world, and get himself on a whale ship to launch the journey of his request for the value of human life.
Ahab , the captain of the whale ship, vowed to take his revenge on the white whale named Moby-Dick which ate his left leg. His bigotry leads to the sink of the ship and all of the sailors lost their lives except Ishmael. The whole story symbols that the power of nature is unconquerable, man shouldn't be a fool who vainly attempt to manipulate the world......
AUTHOR:Herman Melville, an American writer in early 19th century. He wrote his piece of great work Moby-Dick in 19th century, which has been regarding as one of the most famous novels in American literature history.

不知不觉就说多了, MOBYDICK是我的论文选题,所以就越写越来劲,你可以从中选摘几句

