


( )1、A、summer B、autumn C、such D、cup
( )2、A、pleasure B、season C、weather D、heavy
( )3、A、cool B、moon C、foot D、soon
( )4、A、snow B、now C、know D、grow
( )5、A、everything B、weather C、than D、that
1、child(复数) 2、write(过去式)
3、photo(复数) 4、fine(过去式)
5、knife(复数) 6、think(过去式)
7、few(比较级) 8、eat(过去式)
9、many(比较级) 10、feel(过去式)
11、interesting(比较级) 12、one(序数词)
13、bring(反义词) 14、good(副词)
15、here(反义词) 16、rain(形容词)
17、know(同音词) 18、you(宾格)
19、past(同音词) 20、windy(名词)
1、生日快乐 11、去散步
2、没关系 12、时常
3、过得很快乐 13、后天
4、在盒子里 15、西北
6、多谢 16、等候
7、开晚会 17、把某物取回来
8、在桌上 18、有空
9、感到很愉快 19、打开
10、在门外 20、在中国的东部
A∶ you like a drink, sue?
B∶Yes, please.
A∶Which would you , tea or orange?
B∶Tea, please. I like than orange.
A∶Shall I put some sugar in it?
B∶No, thanks. I like Chinese tea nothing in it.
A∶Ok, here you are!
A∶Please help yourself. Mum cooked the food.
B∶ delicious food!
A∶Yes, the pork is delicious, it ?
B∶Yes. But I like vegetables than meat.
A∶Oh, yes. The vegetables are very nice, they?
B∶Oh, yes. But I like beef better vegetables.
Which do you like of all, pilly?
A∶I like peas .
They are 1 months in a year. Some months are 2 and some months are 3 . The long months are 4 . March, May, July, August, 5 and December. They each have thirty-one days. The short months have 6 days, 7 are April, July, September and November, 8 has twenty-eight days, but it has 9 days. Once every four years, and that year is leap year, So there are 366 days in a leap year. 1996 is a leap year. What 10 the year 2000?
1、How is the weather here?(同义词替换)
the weather here?
2、Kate had a good time at the party.(同义词替换)
Kate at the party.
3、Where are you from? (同义词替换)
Where you ?
4、I may be a little late. (同义词替换)
I’m a little late.
5、We leave till 9 o’clock. (同义词替换)
We leave 9 o’clock.
6、We are in Grade Two.(标出句子成分)

7、picture, is , wall, the , on ,the .(组成句子)

8、all, feel, we, happy.(组成句子)

9、It isn’t an easy question, ?(改为反意问句)

10、I like tea very much. I like milk a little.(用比较级联成一句)

( )1、There is “u” and “n” in the word “aunt”.

A、an, a B、a, an C、the, a D、a, the
( )2、We can see moon at night.
A、a, a B、the, the C、the, / D、/, the
( )3、What time do usually have supper?
A、Read B、Reads C、the Read D、the Reads
( )4、The man upstairs is .
A、a Canadian B、an English C、a French D、an America
( )5、Jim’s pencils are short. Are longer than .
A、My, him B、My, his C、Mine, hers D、Mine his
( )6、Would you like glass of orange?
A、other B、others C、another D、an other
( )7、Shall I get pears for you, please?
A、little B、a little C、few D、a few
( )8、My sister is a girl and she sings very .
A、well, good B、well, well C、good, well D、good, good
( )9、It’s too small. Give me a one ,please.
A、bigger B、biger C、biggest D、bigest
( )10、My mother is in our family.
A、busier B、busiest C、the busiest D、the most busy
( )11、We’ll have a party the evening of New Year’s Day.
A、in B、on C、at D、to
( )12、Can I have a cake nuts inside?
A、has B、have C、in D、with
( )13、The opposite of “behind” is .
A、in front of B、in the front of C、front D、before
( )14、When did those men the station, do you know?
A、got to B、get C、reach to D、reach
( )15、I’d like you to the zoo with me.
A、going B、to go C、went D、go
Mr Jones was very angry with his wife and she very angry with her husband. For a few days they didn’t speak to each other. One evening Mr Jones was very tired when he came back from work, so he went to bed soon after he went upstairs. Mrs Jones washed the supper things and did some sewing(缝纫). When she went up to bed much later than her husband, she found a piece of paper on the small table near her bed. On it were the words:“Father, wake up. It is 7a. m..-Mother”.
( )1. Mr Jones and Mrs Jones were angry with each other.
( )2. They talked a lot with each other.
( )3.One evening Mr Jones was very tired and he went to bed soon after supper.
( )4.Before Mr Jones went to bed, he said to his wife, “Please wake me up at seven tomorrow morning.”
( )5. Mrs Jones woke up her husband at seven the next morning.
Tom lives a long way from the city. One day he goes to the city to buy something in the shop, and after he buys them, he goes into a restaurant(饭馆)and sits down at a table. When he looks round, he sees some old people put eye glasses on before reading their books, so after lunch he goes to a shop to buy some glasses, too. He walks along the road, and soon finds a shop. The man in the shop makes him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always says, “No, I can’t read with these.”
The man becomes more and more puzzled(困惑). At last he says, “Excuse me, but can you read at all?”
“No, I can’t,” Tom says, “If I can read, do you think I come here to buy glasses?”
( )1.Tom meets some old people .
A、far away from the city B、in the shop
C、in the restaurant D、in the park
( )2.When does Tom go to the shop? .
A、After lunch B、Before lunch C、In the morning D、In the evening
( )3.Tom goes to a restaurant to .
A、buy eye glasses B、have lunch C、buy some books D、sell eye glasses
( )4.Before reading their books the old people in the restaurant .
A、drink tea B、take their glasses off
C、buy glasses D、put their glasses on
( )5.In fact(事实上)Tom .
A、likes eye glasses B、goes to the wrong shop
C、can’t read at all D、knows the man in the shop
1、Listen to the tape and choose the right word or phrase you hear in the sentence.(听录音选出你在句子中所听到的单词或词组,每小题念一遍)(5分)
( )1、A、wear B、weather C、letter D、winter
( )2、A、cool B、cold C、cloudy D、could
( )3、A、part B、park C、party D、laugh
( )4、A、last B、laugh C、love D、like
( )5、A、hear B、pear C、there D、wear
( )6、A、hard B、half C、hot D、high
( )7、A、later B、letter C、late D、matter
( )8、A、what B、wet C、white D、wait
( )9、A、get ready for B、get on C、get warm D、get down
( )10、A、have a look B、have a rest C、have a party D、have a swim
2、Listen to the tape and choose the right sentence you hear.(听录音选择你所听到的句子,每小题念二遍)(5分)
( )1、A、It’s about three hundred metres away on the right.
B、It’s about two hundred metres away on the left.
C、Take the third turning on the right.
D、Take the second turning on the left.
( )2、A、Playing too much isn’t good for your health.
B、Eating too much is bad for your health.
C、Taking a walk after supper is good for your health.
D、Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.
( )3、A、You must work hard at school.
B、You must look after yourself.
C、You must eat less and do more exercise.
D、You must drink more water.
( )4、A、I think English is very difficult.
B、It’s not easy to learn English well.
C、I am good at Chinese but not at English.
D、It’s not easy to learn Chinese well.
( )5、A、May I go out and play?
B、May I come in and see your family?
C、May is the fifth month of the year.
D、May is my favourite month.
3、Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.(听录音补全对话,对话念二遍)(5分)
A∶Jim! Supper is .
B∶Yes, Mum. I’m coming. What are we going to have for today?
A∶We’re going to have English .
B∶ ?What is it?
A∶It’s your favourite. and chips.
B∶Is this food?
A∶No, it isn’t. This is .
B∶Mum, it must be delicious.
4、Listen to the passage and choose the right answer.(听短文后选择正确的答案,短文念三遍)(5分)
( )1、English people .
A、like talking very much B、don’t speak Chinese
C、don’t talk very much D、don’t like train
( )2、In England, people like to say “ ”when they meet someone.
A、Nice weather for the time of year!
B、Nice to see you again!
C、Are you hungry? D、Do you like England?
( )3、English people often on the train or in a bus.
A、look out of the window B、read
C、sit doing nothing D、A and B
( )4、English people often .
A、go by bus B、talk about the weather C、go by bike D、have good weather
( )5. When you talk about the weather with them, the English think .
A、you are kind B、you aren’t friendly C、you are friendly D、you are a friend
第1个回答  2009-07-04
第2个回答  2009-07-04