

呵呵~~是八年级 Unit1的吗?我有做过哦~~~
Ⅰ.1-5 CCBAC 6-10 CDCDA 11-15 DBBDD
Ⅱ.16-20 BCBCD 21-25 CDADB
Ⅲ.A 26-30 BDABD
B 31.air pollution 32.water pollution 33.noise pollution
34.bad toall living things in the world
35.kill fish and make drinking water dirty
36.make people become angry more easily
37.more and more peole
38.move to another place
39.mustn't burn coal in the houses and factories in the city
40.mustn't bring dirty smoke into the air
Ⅳ.A 41.scientist 42.interview 43.Rockets 44.buildings
B 46.myself 47.prediction 48.impossible
49.to be 50.unpleasant
Ⅴ.51-55 DACEB
Ⅵ.56.will be 57.What will 58.won't clean 59.they will
60.Which country
Ⅶ.A 61.People can't live to be 200years old now.
62.When I got to this school,I fell in love with it.
63.I think I will be able to do this work by myself.
64.Robots will help humans do lots of work in the future.
65.He looked for his en everywhere yesterday,but he couldn't find it.