


  1、on my way





  my world so full of colours

  if you look inside the waves, the waves , so cool

  Your eyes so blue and deeper than the ocean

  of the moon the moon so blue

  can I come inside when all the humans are on dope

  can I come inside with all the cash I took from home

  can I come inside and know that it will be okay

  can I come inside and show you all the brightness

  (I make myself so priceless)

  I gave you something priceless

  I make myself so priceless

  don't get get way just hold on hold to me

  I make myself so priceless

  I need you the most just hold on hold on to me

  I make myself so priceless

  let's get get way I'll hold on hold on to you

  Your skin and touch gives energy to me

  when I feel like I need to fight

  Step in, Step out it's just tiny trick to fool

  once not once, but twice

  you're hot but no offence aaa

  I don't need you for defence

  You can count me aoooh oh

  no more jelousy
