

被动语态 1.S+V+O句型 被动语态:语态用来表示句子的主语是做出动词的动作者,还是接受动词动作者.主语是接受动作者,此动词便是被动语态. (1)现在时主动语态改被动语态 She hates them.(主动)她恨他们. They are hated by her.(被动)他们为她所恨. 说明:be动词的变化须随主语而定. (2)过去时主动语态改被动语态 A bus hit the old lady.(主动)公共汽车撞倒了老太太. The old lady was hit by a bus.(被动)老太太被公共汽车撞倒了. (3)有助动词的主动语态改被动语态 I will beat him some day.(主动)总有一天我会打败他. He will be beaten by me some day.(被动)总有一天他会被我打败. (4)现在完成时的主动语态改被动语态 They have finished the work.(主动)他们已完成这项工作. The work has been finished by them.(被动)这项工作已由他们完成了. (5)现在进行时的主动语态改被动语态 He is watching her.(主动)他正看着她. She is being watched by him.(被动)她正被他看着. 2.S+V+O+C句型 S+V+O+C句型 (1)名词当宾语补语的主动改被动 Everyone calls me "naughty boy."(主动)大家都叫我顽皮鬼. I am called "naughty boy" by everyone.(被动) (2)不定式当宾语补语的主动改被动 We expect you to arrive here on time.(主动)我们希望你准时抵达. You are expected to arrive here on time (by us). (被动) (3)感官或使役动词+原形动词的主动改被动 a)I watched my mother walk across the street.(感官)我看我妈妈过街. My mother was watched to walk across the street (by me.) (被动) b)I made the boy clean the room.(使役)我让这男孩打扫房间. The boy was made to clean the room (by me.)(被动) 说明:感官动词如:watch,see,feel等及let,make,have,bid等使役动词,在主动语态时都将不定式to删除,但在被动语态需将不定式的to还原. 3.有直接.间接宾语 有直接,间接宾语的句型 有直接及间接宾语的主动语态改为被动语态有两种情况: Professor Lin teaches us political science.林教授教我们政治学. (1)直接宾语当主语 Political science is taught us by professor Lin. (2)间接宾语当主语 We are taught political science by professor Lin. 4.含动词短语的被动 含动词短语的主动改被动 (1)(不及物动词+介词)的主动语态改被动语态 All of my colleagues speak well of my superior.(主动)我每个同事对我上司的评价都很高. My superior is well spoken of by all of my colleagues.(被动) (2)<及物动词+宾语+介词>的主动语态改为被动语态 My grandparents took care of my sister and me when we were kids.我和我妹妹小时候是祖父母照顾的. My sister and I were taken care of by my grandparents when we were kids. 5.疑问句的被动 疑问句的主动语态改成被动语态 (1)一般疑问句的主动改被动 Has anyone of you seen this movie?(主动)你们有谁看过这部片子? Has this movie been seen by anyone of you?(被动) (2)疑问代词为主语的主动语态改为被动语态 Who told you that?(主动)谁告诉你那件事的? By whom was that told you?(被动) 6.祈使句的被动 祈使句的被动语态 (1)肯定祈使句的被动语态 Do it right now.马上就做这件事. Let it be done right now. <let+宾语+be+过去分词> (2)否定祈使句的被动语态 Don't delay this matter.不要耽搁这件事.