一道GMAT SC题,求解。

Q2. p2-sc 2. (24209-!-item-!-188;#058&001071)
In the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the United States acquired 828,000 square miles for about four cents an acre, which more than doubled the country's size and that brought its western border within reach of the Pacific Ocean.
(A) In the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the United States acquired 828,000 square miles for about four cents an acre, which more than doubled the country's size and that brought(B) For about four cents an acre the United States acquired, in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, 828,000 square miles, more than doubling the country's size and it brought(C) With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States acquired 828,000 square miles for about four cents an acre, more than doubling its size and bringing(D) The United States, in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, for about four cents an acre, acquired 828,000 square miles, more than doubling the country's size, bringing(E) Acquiring 828,000 square miles in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the United States bought it for about four cents an acre, more than doubling the country's size and bringing


句子结构:With…, the USacquired…, doubling… and bringing…

With介词短语做方式状语,主语是the United States,谓语是acquired,并列的现在分词结构doubling

and bringing作伴随状语修饰主句。



1)  指代一致,which只能指代前面出现过的名词而不能指代整个句子,which指代前面句子表达的意


2)  逻辑表达,修饰同一对象的成分必须用连词连接使其并列,否则会产生修饰歧义。


(A) which没有指代对象,and that没有并列对象。

(B) and it brought在语法上应该与主句the United States acquired并列,it没有合理的指代对象。

(C)  正确,with在此处的意思是because of sth and as it happens, as a result of。

(D) bringing和doubling并列作伴随状语修饰主句,应该用and连接,否则bringing…的修饰对象有歧


(E) it没有指代对象;acquire与bought同时用,表达不简洁。

