
题目为:我的一天 内容为:今天是我爷爷生日,我感到非常高兴。 上午,我和妈妈就去商场购物。我们买了很多东西。有水果,零食,还有饮料。妈妈还买了很多菜。我们花了很多钱。 中午,妈妈跟姑姑就在厨房里煮饭。大概半小时后,我们吃了很多好吃的东西。接下来,我们还吃了蛋糕和水果。爷爷今天很开心,吃了很多。我跟堂妹堂哥们还吃了零食。有巧克力、糖果。我们吃得很开心,也吃得很饱。因为妈妈跟姑姑的手艺实在太棒了! 下午我们带着爷爷去郊外玩。我们放风筝、打羽毛球、踢足球。家长们看着我们在玩,他们和爷爷聊聊天。我们大家都很开心。 到了晚上,我们每个人都为爷爷唱一首歌。爷爷说:“今天我非常开心。谢谢大家。”我们都说:“爷爷,生日快乐!”

My Day Today is my grandpa's birthday, I'm very happy. In the morning, I went to shopping with my mom at the supermarket. We bought many items, such as fruits, snacks, and drinks. My mom also bought many vegetables. We spent lots of money. In the afternoon, my mom and aunt stay in the kitchen cooking. About half hour later, we ate lots of delicious food. We also ate cakes and fruits. My grandpa is very happy, he ate a lot. Me and my cousins even ate some snacks, such as chocolates and candies. We are so happy and full. My mom and aunt's cooking is very splendid. In the evening, we take grandpa to the suburb. We play kite, badminton, and soccer. Our parents looked over us and chat with my grandfather. We all have a nice time. In the night, we all sing a song for grandpa individually. My grandpa said:" I'm very happy today, thank you all." We all said:" Happy birthday, grandpa!"