
a/an (用于未曾提到的可数名词或者单数名词,表明一类人或事物以区别于它类,只说明是这一类的东西,但未说明是这一类的什么。This is a (good)book. 这是(一本)(好)书。具体什么书,不知道。就算加了good也没事,还是泛指,因为对方不知道这个到底是那本书 )

war is a drug(一部电影开头,简述下战争)......暂时就一个句子吧,其他应该也差不多。求老师指教。



  I wish I had a dog of my own. ( a dog指的是种群中的任意一个。)

  Pandas are rare animals.                 (pandas指的是任何一群)

2、 定冠词表示特指: 包含以下两个方面:


       The panda is a rare animal. (the panda表示的是一只明确的动物。)
        比较:A dog charged at me when I was on my way home last night.               (a dog尽管有所指,但只是种群中一只不明确的动物。)


       1. 自然界唯一
       The moon appears at a particular time in its cycle of phases: (the moon自然界唯一的卫星。)
       2. 心目中唯一
       The desk is the only one where he lives. (the desk是说话人心目中唯一的物件。)
        The panda gave birth to a healthy baby last night. (the panda是说话人心目中唯一   的动物。)
       3. 语言环境中唯一
       Would you pass me the cup? (the cup在语言环境中有别于其他任何cup。)
       That’s the dictionary I’m looking for. (the dictionary是语言环境中唯一的。)


      1. 表示一类

        A canal is a “channel cut through land for use boats or ships or to carry water to fields for irrigation”.
        This is a dictionary, not a an encyclopedia(百科全书).

       2. 表示一个(one的弱化)

        I’d like a cup of coffee. 比较:I only want one cup of coffee and you’ve given me two.
        I have got a brother and a sister. 比较:He has one brother, but two sisters.

       3. 表示主语的工作或职业身份

        John is a carpenter and his wife is a waitress.


        He was elected chairman of the committee.
        As president of the United States, Bill Clinton was younger than any of his predecessors.

第1个回答  2014-03-10
战争是一种毒品。drug 除药品外,还有毒品之意