never可否用于过去时,如不能,都能用于什么时态? 要权威!不怎么懂得别瞎搀和!


i have never been there before 完成时
that will never do. 将来时
he answered never a word. 过去式
在friends里面phoebe说了句 u never run on a boat.现在时
第1个回答  2010-11-13
/ ˈnevə(r); ˋnɛvɚ/ adv
at no time; on no occasion; not ever 从未; 未曾; 永不: She never goes to the cinema. 她向来不看电影. * He has never been abroad. 他从未出过国. * I will never agree to their demands. 我决不同意他们的要求. * I'm tired of your never-ending complaints. 我听腻了你那没完没了的抱怨. * `Would you do that?' `Never.' ‘你会做出那种事吗?’‘永远不会.’* Never in all my life have I heard such nonsense! 我这辈子从没听过这种废话! * I shall never (ever) stay at that hotel again. 我再也不住那家旅馆了. * Such a display has never been seen before/never before been seen. 这种展览前所未见.
(used for emphasis 用於加强语气) not (used esp as in the expressions shown) 不(尤用於以下示例): That will never do, ie is completely unacceptable. 那绝对不行. * He never so much as smiled, ie didn't smile even once. 他从来就没笑过. * You never did! ie Surely you didn't! 你肯定没做过! * Never fear! ie Don't be afraid! 别害怕!
(idm 习语) on the ,never-`never (sl joc 俚, 谑) on the hire-purchase system 以分期付款的方式: buy sth on the never-never 以分期付款的方式购买某物. well, I never (did)! (expressing surprise, disapproval, etc 表示惊讶、 不赞成等): Well, I never! Fancy getting married and not telling us! ?, 好家伙! 想偷偷结婚不告诉我们!
> never interj (infml 口) surely not 当然不: `I got the job.' `Never!' ‘我得到那份工作了.’‘绝不可能!’
nevermore / ˏnevəˈmɔː(r); ˏnɛvɚˋmɔr/ adv (arch 古) never again; at no future time 永不再; 再不.


adv, sentence substitute
1) at no time; not ever
2) certainly not; by no means; in no case
3) Also: well I never!
surely not!

Old English næfre, from ne not + æfre EVER
In informal speech and writing, never can be used instead of not with the simple past tenses of certain verbs for emphasis (I never said that; I never realized how clever he was), but this usage should be avoided in serious writing
第2个回答  2010-11-16
you never know这可说不准
i will never forgive you我永远都不会原谅你
i have never been here before我从来没来过这里
she was never a chubby girl她一直都很瘦
he never had dreamed this would come true他从来不认为这件事会成真
主要就是这几个了 另外几种时态套用就行