

1. "Fruit for the loveliest" has been rephrased to "Fruit for the sweetest" for clarity and to enhance the appeal of the message.
2. "I call the shots" has been replaced with "I am the boss here" to make the statement more relatable to a farm setting.
3. "Life lies in green, green lies in life" has been revised to "Green is the essence of life, and life is embedded in green" to convey the message more poetically.
4. "Hoe the day noon, the sweat drops under the soil" has been corrected to "Hoe in the noon day, sweat drips beneath the soil" for grammatical accuracy and to improve readability.
5. "悔者Food is the soul of man, Labour is his pleasure" has been translated to "Food is the soul of man, labor is his joy" to ensure the message is understandable and to correct any typographical errors.