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本文主要通过对人力资源管理中绩效管理的了解,理解绩效考核方法中各种方法的概念和优缺点,总结出国际上四大主流绩效考核方法:目标管理法(Management By Objective,MBO)、关键绩效考核法(Key Performance Indication,KPI)、全视角绩效考核法、平衡计分卡考核法(The Balance Score-Card,BSC)。其次,将它们与我国企业的现状相联系,通过比较五家著名企业的绩效管理的成功方案,总结了我国有中小型企业的缺点和不足。并根据对绩效考核的研究和理解,从不同考核方法所体现的正面效果和负面效果两方面来分析绩效考核在我国企业实际运用中所涉及到的难点、要点等些许问题并佐以实例加以论证。最后,以联想集团为例,通过其在企业内部对于绩效考核方法灵活运用的成功案例,与文中所分析的优缺点加以对比,突出了绩效考核这一行为的主旨,考核的实质对于企业员工来讲是一项激励措施,用考核来评定工作的优质与不足,便于企业及时跟上对员工的培训任务,其最终目的则是为了加强企业员工的团队合作意识。

Human resource four performance evaluation methods of analysis and application
Content abstract
This paper mainly through human resources Management of Performance Management of awareness, understanding Performance evaluation methods of The concept and advantages and disadvantages of various methods, summarized The international four mainstream Performance evaluation methods: target Management By The administration (MBO), Key, a Performance evaluation method (Key specific Performance is, KPI), full Performance assessment method, The perspective of The balanced scorecard assessment method (The value Score - hello, BSC). Secondly, the present situation of Chinese enterprises and their associated, by comparing five famous enterprise performance management, summarized the successful program of small and medium-sized enterprises in China are the shortcomings and the insufficiency. And according to the performance evaluation of research and understanding from different assessment method that embodies the positive effects and negative effects two aspects to analyze performance appraisal in Chinese enterprises involved in practical application of difficulty, the main problems and maybe with some examples to demonstrate. Finally, with lenovo group as an example, through its in enterprise interior for performance appraisal methods of flexible use of successful cases, and the analysis and the advantages and disadvantages of contrast, has highlighted the performance assessment this behaviour of theme, the essence of assessment for enterprise employees are essentially an incentive measures, with assessment to assess work of quality and inadequate, facilitate enterprise timely keep up with on employees' training mission, its ultimate purpose is to strengthen enterprise staff team consciousness.
第1个回答  2010-11-04
Human resources of the four great performance appraisal method of analysis and summary of contents this article mainly through the use of human resources management in performance management know, understand, performance appraisal method of concepts and 优缺点, summary of the four main performance appraisal method : the target management ( management by objective, mbo ), the performance appraisal of the key performance ( indication and kpi ), performance appraisal of the camera and balanced scorecard ( the assessment methodScore card balance, and the bsc ). secondly, they will and our business status quo, by comparing the five famous restaurant business performance management, summed up the success of state-owned small and medium enterprises of my shortcomings and inadequacies. and according to performance appraisal for the study and understand, different from the way of positive effect and negative effects on both sides to analyze performance appraisal of the actual use in china's enterprises involved in the difficult points, of questions and to be debated with examplesFinally, in addition, for example, through its performance appraisal method on the enterprises inside the flexibility to the success of the case with this article analyses contrast, the performance appraisal of the act of examining the substance of the employees, is a motivational initiatives in the examination to judge the quality of work and to enterprises to employees in the training task, its ultimate purpose is to strengthen business cooperation. the team