

hide与white押韵,Perhapsdo或许匿名当中一些人知道,而另一些不知道houseliveswhite参考Do you know what the White House is ? Perhaps some of you do , while some don’t .The White House is the house where the president (总统) of the USA lives . It is in Washington D. C. It is painted white . But do you know why the White House is white ?The story goes back to 1812 . That year Britain was at war with America . The British soldiers captured (俘虏) Washington , and some buildings including (包括) the President’s house were set on fire . In 1814, in order to hide the marks of the fire , the brown stone walls of the President’s house were painted white and it has been “the White House ”since then .
第1个回答  2023-01-08