

1. 学校不准学生在校园里使用手机。
2. 带手机可以使校园生活更加便利,可以随时与外界联系,而不用去话吧或公用电话亭。
3. 手机会带来很多麻烦,如来电铃声会打扰教学和其他学生的学习,收发短信浪费学生很多时间。
4. 一个女孩掉进湖里,在水里挣扎。
5. 他拒绝裁缝做的那件衬衣。
6. 花在英语的时间多了,因此英语进步了,但是数学下降了。
7. 昨天战士行军十英里。
8. 每天我往钱罐子里面投硬币,还想看看究竟多满了。

1.Telephones are forbiden to be used in schools by students.
2.Cellphones bring convenience to campus life,which can be used to connect with the outside world instead of going to public station.
3.Cellphones bring much trouble such as disturbing teacher's teaching and students' studies,wasting one's time when sending ang receiving messages.
4.A girl fell down into the lake ,struggling for a long time.
5.He rejected the shirt made by the tailor.
6.Due to spending a lot of time on English,it works,while the same time Math is falling.
7.Yesterday solders marched for 10 miles.
8.Everyday I throw coins into my little money tins and wondering whether it is full or not
第1个回答  2010-10-16
1School students on campus are not allowed to use the phone.
2With a cell phone can make campus life more convenient, you can always contact with the outside world, without having to word for it, or public telephone booths.
3Mobile will bring a lot of trouble, such as ring tones will disturb the teaching and learning of other students, send and receive text messages waste a lot of time students.
4A girl fell into the lake, struggling in the water.
5He refused to tailors that shirt.
6To spend more time in English, so English has improved, but the math down.
7Yesterday, soldiers marched ten miles.
8 I go there for the coin jar of money, want to see how much full everyday.
第2个回答  2010-10-16
1. school students on campus is not allowed to use mobile phones.
2. take the phone to campus life more convenient, you can always contact with the outside world, not used to come or a call-box.
3. mobile phones would cause a lot of trouble, such as call bell will disturb the teaching and learning of other students and students receiving messages from the waste of time.
4. a girl fell into the lake, in the struggle.
5. he refused to the tailor makes the shirt.
6. in english have more time, english improved
7. yesterday the soldiers marched ten miles.
8. every day i give it to coin money, but also to see how much.
第3个回答  2010-10-17
1, Students are not allowed to use cellphone in school.
2. Life in school could be more convinent by taking the advantages of cellphone. You can connect with others anytime as you like, but not using the public phone.
3. Using cellphone can bring many troubles. For instance, the ringtone will interrupt class, and texting messages wastes students' time.
4. A girl fell into a lake,and struggled.
5. He rejected that shirt made by tailor.
6. English improved since more time spent on it, but not math.
7. Soldiers marched for 10 miles yesterday.
8. I throw coins into money tins everyday and try to see whether it is full or not.
第4个回答  2010-10-17
1. school students on campus is not allowed to use mobile phones.
2. take the phone to campus life more convenient, you can always contact with the outside world, not used to come or a call-box.
3. mobile phones would cause a lot of trouble, such as call bell will disturb the teaching and learning of other students and students receiving messages from the waste of time.
4. a girl fell into the lake, in the struggle.
5. he refused to the tailor makes the shirt.
6. in english have more time, english improved
7. yesterday the soldiers marched ten miles.
8. every day i give it to coin money, but also to see how much.
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