

Oriental culture advocate collective and team spirit, people rely on sex strong. While western culture advocating independence and freedom of personality. For example, Chinese people pay attention to cultivate one's morality, terms, governance, flat world, personality is vital, and this kind of character is built in the concerned countries, love the collective, family harmony, harmonious interpersonal relationship. If only considering the interest of the individual, your personality is big discount.

And people in the United States legal system idea is stronger. In this premise, they advocate personal freedom, don't want to by the government, the church or other organization intervention, like I did it my way. In the family, the children from an early age is the notion of free-standing self-improvement. Young people always hope oneself can try to early independent, get rid of the bundle of parents, they don't want too rely on family, rely on parents, otherwise, they will lose their freedom, lose respect for their others. To this point, Chinese culture is different. The family is the most important Chinese collective life. Parents of children cherishing, hate not everything for the children thought that, that when children grow up and get married to give children the high-profile wedding, when the child when they have children, to sacrifice their old age to take care of their grandchildren, namely all the hopes on their children, and too much to take care of the children, the children's self-care ability is poor, and even today in the planned economy in China during the transition to a market economy, state-owned enterprise employees reluctant to throw away the iron rice bowl/this rely on sex is the heritage of Chinese traditional culture. To modern cultural concept.

