






Last night, I had a memorable and eventful evening. In the early evening, I went to a local art exhibition with my friends. We admired various paintings and sculptures while engaging in lively discussions about the artworks. Later, we decided to try out a new restaurant in town. We enjoyed a delicious meal and shared lots of laughter and stories. Finally, we ended the night by watching a thrilling movie at the cinema. Overall, it was a fantastic night filled with art, good food, and great company.




    Unforgettable - 难忘的

    Art exhibition - 艺术展览

    Paintings - 绘画

    Sculptures - 雕塑

    Discussion - 讨论

    Restaurant - 餐厅

    Delicious - 美味的

    Laughter - 笑声

    Stories - 故事

    Thrilling - 惊险的


Yesterday evening was quite extraordinary for me. I attended a dance class where I learned some new moves and practiced my techniques. The dance studio was filled with energy and passion. Afterward, I went to a local bookstore and spent some time exploring different genres of books. I ended up purchasing a captivating novel that I couldn't wait to read. Later at home, I immersed myself in the story and lost track of time. It was a night filled with creativity, knowledge, and relaxation.




    Extraordinary - 非同寻常的

    Dance class - 舞蹈课程

    Dance steps - 舞步

    Skills - 技巧

    Dance studio - 舞蹈工作室

    Bookstore - 书店

    Explore - 探索

    Novels - 小说

    Fascinating - 引人入胜的

    Immerse - 沉浸


Last night was a fun and adventurous evening for me. I joined a group of friends for an exciting outdoor activity. We went hiking in a nearby nature reserve and enjoyed the stunning views along the trail. We also had a picnic by a beautiful lake, sharing delicious food and engaging in lively conversations. As the sun set, we gathered around a bonfire, telling stories and roasting marshmallows. It was an unforgettable night filled with laughter, nature, and wonderful memories.




    Exciting - 令人兴奋的

    Adventure - 冒险

    Outdoor activity - 户外活动

    Hiking - 徒步旅行

    Scenic - 风景如画的

    Picnic - 野餐

    Conversation - 交谈

    Sunset - 日落

    Bonfire - 篝火

    Marshmallows - 棉花糖

第1个回答  2022-06-02
这篇作文是我写的,如果有不好的地方,请指教:内容是昨天晚上,我们去参加小明(化名)的生日会,我们大家给他带去许多食物,饮料和水果.还送他礼物.我们唱歌,跳舞,还玩了各种游戏.我们玩得很开心.直到晚上九点钟才回家! 正文: What i did last night ? Last night.I went to Xiao ming's birthday party with some of my friends. We took a lot of food, drinks and fruits to him .Everyone also give a card . We made the cards by hand .At the party, we sang, danced and played many games .We didn't come back home until 9:00 in the evening.We were all tired ,but we had a good time ! 当然,能采纳更好咯~~谢谢!