

每个人都有自己的喜好,会为看到一些自己喜欢的景色、电影等事物赞不绝口,也会为遇到棘手的事情或讨厌的人而烦恼.其实生活就是这样。所以,无论风雨彩虹,我们都应该平常对待。 常用句子1.I love it. It's really cool.我太喜欢了。真是很酷。2. She can't resist expensive perfumes.她对昂贵的香水情有独钟。3. I have a weakness for chocolates and cream cakes.我爱吃巧克力和奶油蛋糕。4. How I adore those pretty houses on the slope!我真喜欢山坡上那些漂亮的房子!5. What I really like about the film is the superb photography.我喜欢这部电影是因为它的摄影十分出色。6. Which one do you like?你喜欢哪一个?7. What would you like to eat, peach or pear?你想吃什么,桃子还是梨?8. May I ask if you have a liking for gardening?我想问一下你是否喜欢园艺?9. How come she hates birds?她为何讨厌鸟? 情景对话A: Do you want to play outside or stay at home?B: I prefer going out to play to staying at home. Which one do you like?A: Either will be fine.B: Then, would you like to go to the gymnasium with me?A: Yeah, sounds like a good idea.B: What would you like to play, badminton or table tennis?A: I prefer to play badminton.B: Fine. Let's go to play badminton.A:你想出去玩还是待在家里?B:我比较愿意出去玩,你呢?A:怎么样都行。B:那你愿意跟我去健身房吗?A:听起来主意不错。B:你喜欢玩什么?羽毛球还是乒乓球?A:我比较喜欢玩羽毛球。B:好。那我们就玩羽毛球吧。