
Billed West Comes East, this magnificent musical extravaganza will be held over 60 hours covering five days and the music loving fraternity from all over India and more than fifteen other countries will converge on Kolkata for a pilgrimage of classical music.
Nikita Koshkin will also be the Chairman of the Jury and there will be a special competition on pieces composed by him. Besides, he will give a special public master class seminar.
The Performing Guitarists and International Jury

Nikita Koshkin of Russia
Pavel Steidl of Czech Republic www.pavelsteidl.com
Denis Azabagic of Bosnia-Herzegovina/USA www.azabagic.com
Frank Bungarten of Germany www.frankbungarten.de
Carlé Costa of Argentina/Uruguay www.carlecosta.com.ar
José Antonio Escobar of Chile www.joseantonioescobar.cl

Billed West Comes East, this magnificent musical extravaganza will be held over 60 hours covering five days and the music loving fraternity from all over India and more than fifteen other countries will converge on Kolkata for a pilgrimage of classical music.
这一场被宣称为西方文化东移(West Comes East)的音乐盛会将持续五天超过60小时,这场古典音乐的朝圣之旅将吸引印度全国及其他15国的音乐爱好者齐聚于加尔各答。

Nikita Koshkin will also be the Chairman of the Jury and there will be a special competition on pieces composed by him. Besides, he will give a special public master class seminar.
作曲家尼基塔•æŸ¯ä»€é‡‘(Nikita Koshkin)将是评委会主席,并且还会举办一场演奏他作品的特别比赛。另外,他将举行一场大师班研讨会。


俄罗斯的Nikita Koshkin
捷克共和国的Pavel Steidl www.pavelsteidl.com
波黑/美国的 Denis Azabagic www.azabagic.com
德国的Frank Bungarten www.frankbungarten.de
阿根廷/乌拉圭的 Carlé Costa www.carlecosta.com.ar
智利的José Antonio Escobar www.joseantonioescobar.cl

第1个回答  2010-10-27
“西方人到东方”,这一超级音乐盛典将连续举办5天共60个小时。来自印度和其他15个国家的粉丝汇聚加尔各答,共享音乐盛宴。届时还会举办一场Nikita Koshkin作曲的音乐比赛,Koshkin自任评委会主席,并开一个特别的大师班研讨会。

Nikita Koshkin俄罗斯
Pavel Steidl 捷克
Denis Azabagic波黑/美国
Frank Bungarten阿根廷/乌拉圭
José Antonio Escobar智利
第2个回答  2010-10-27
根据“West comes East”的海报宣传,这场华丽的音乐演出将连续举办5天共60个小时,来自印度和其他15个国家的音乐爱好者将齐聚加尔各答参加这次古典音乐盛事。

Nikita Koshkin是这场音乐演出的评委会主席,届时还会专门举办一场Nikita Koshkin作品的演奏比赛,另外,他还会举办一次特别的国际大师班研讨会。


来自俄罗斯的Nikita Koshkin
来自捷克共和国的Pavel Steidl www.pavelsteidl.com
来自波黑/美国的 Denis Azabagic www.azabagic.com
来自德国的Frank Bungarten www.frankbungarten.de
来自阿根廷/乌拉圭的 Carlé Costa www.carlecosta.com.ar
来自智利的José Antonio Escobar www.joseantonioescobar.cl


“West comes East”最好保持原文,不要翻译,要不就变味了,而且也不是人的意思。
第3个回答  2010-11-07