

A: Hello, B, what are doing today?
B: I am going to do some shopping.
A: Great ! me too. What are you going to buy?
B: The vegetables and fruits are urgent. So I will buy them in the supermarket. Can you go with me?
A: Okay, Which supermarket do you want to go ? Will you go there by bus or by taxi?
B: Walmart. By bus. Because it is not far away from here.
A: Okay. we can meet there at 5:00 p.m. this afternoon.
B: Good. See you later!
A: See you !
第1个回答  2016-11-25
A: Hi Lily, are you free this afternoon?
B: Yes, what's the matter?
A: I would like to buy something, do you want to go with me?
B: Of course! I want to buy clothes as well.
A: Great, then let's meet at Wanda Shopping mall at 3 p.m. OK?
B: OK, see you then.
A: See you.