
attract \ so...that... \enemy \ connect...with... 四个词 造句 带翻译 顺便找个英语能帮助我的朋友 546410182 加时注明英语即可 推销、骗分的就别加了 大家都不是傻子 别浪费时间

The Great Wall attract many people all over the world.(长城吸引着全世界的人) It's so cold that I want to stay at home.(太冷了以至于我想呆在家里)The enemy was put to rout.(敌军被打得一败涂地)I connect him with my childhood.(他使我想起了我的童年)
第1个回答  2013-12-31
This beautiful christmas thee attract me so much.
He is so handsome that i fall in love with him.
We should find a way to defeat the enemy.
People may connect love with red rose