

立春 ▪ 春之始As the name implies, the Beginning of Spring heralds the arrival of spring. Everything turns green and vibrant with vitality; people can clearly see that the daylight is getting longer and the weather is warming up.
雨水 ▪ 雨水Rain Water signifies an increase in rainfall and a rise in temperature. With its arrival, lively scenery begins to unfold: the river water thaws, wild geese migrate from south to north, and trees and plants regrow their greenery.
惊蛰 ▪ 昆虫苏醒Insects Awakening refers to the fact that insects and animals in hibernation are awakened by spring thunder. It is a crucial time for spring agricultural activities.
春分 ▪ 春分The day of the Spring Equinox sees the sun directly above the equator. After this day, the sun moves northward, leading to gradually longer daylight in the Northern Hemisphere and longer nights in the Southern Hemisphere.
清明 ▪ 清明Pure Brightness is also a traditional Chinese festival, Tomb-Sweeping Day. From this day on, temperatures continue to rise and rainfall increases, making it a key time for plowing and sowing in the spring.
谷雨 ▪ 谷雨Grain Rain originates from the saying that "rain brings the growth of hundreds of grains," indicating that this period of rainfall is crucial for crop growth.
立夏 ▪ 夏之始The Beginning of Summer usually occurs around May 5 on the Gregorian calendar. It marks the transition of seasons and signifies the start of summer in the lunar calendar. During this time, temperatures in most regions of China experience a significant increase, making it the optimal period for grain and crop growth.
小满 ▪ 小满Lesser Fullness means that the seeds in the grain are full but not yet ripe.
芒种 ▪ 麦种The arrival of Grain in Beard signifies the ripening of crops such as barley and wheat. It is also a busy period for farmers.
夏至 ▪ 夏至At this time, much of the northern hemisphere receives the most daylight hours, but the hottest temperatures will only arrive 20 to 30 days later.
小暑 ▪ 小暑Lesser Heat suggests that the hottest period is approaching, but the extreme heat has not yet arrived.
大暑 ▪ 大暑During Greater Heat, most parts of China enter their hottest season of the year, with temperatures potentially exceeding 35°C in many cities.
立秋 ▪ 秋之始It reflects the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, marking the approach of the fruitful season.
处暑 ▪ 暑尽End of Heat implies that most parts of China are摆脱了炎热夏天,步入秋天。
白露 ▪ 白露White Dew marks the true beginning of the cool autumn. The temperature gradually declines, and the air's moisture often condenses into white dew on grass and trees at night.
秋分 ▪ 秋分The Autumnal Equinox divides autumn into two equal parts, occurring at the mid-point of autumn. After this day, the location of direct sunlight moves to the south, leading to shorter days and longer nights in the Northern Hemisphere.
寒露 ▪ 寒露At this time, temperatures in most areas of China are much lower than during White Dew. The dew is greater and colder, and there will be less rain.
霜降 ▪ 霜降First Frost is the last solar term of autumn, during which the weather becomes much colder than before, and frost begins to appear.
立冬 ▪ 冬之始From that day on, winter is coming, and autumn-harvested crops should be stored.
小雪 ▪ 小雪Lesser Snow refers to the time when snow begins to fall, mostly in China's northern regions, and the temperature continues to drop.
大雪 ▪ 大雪Around this day, the snow becomes heavy and starts to accumulate on the ground as temperatures drop to around zero degrees Celsius in northern China.
冬至 ▪ 冬至On the first day of the Winter Solstice, the Northern Hemisphere experiences its shortest day and longest night as the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Capricorn.
小寒 ▪ 小寒During Lesser Cold, most areas in China have entered the severe winter cold season. The ground and rivers are frozen, and cold air from the north continuously moves southward.
大寒 ▪ 大寒Greater Cold is the last solar term in the annual lunar calendar. During this period, snow, rain, and extreme cold significantly impact people's lives.