
A:Hi,Ann!Where are you going?
B:Hi,Tim!( ).I’ll send a letter to Bob.
A:( )?
B:Yes.I got a letter from him the day before yesterday.
A:( )?
B:Very well.He’s been traveling.He has been to France,Spain and Italy.
A:How lucky he is!( )?
B:Of course.He was born in England.And his mother is from London.
A:Oh,I see.London is very beautiful.And I’m going there with my family next month.
B:Really?( )!
A:Thank you.

Do you like playing( )(music)instruments?It’s interesting.

A:Hi,Ann!Where are you going?
B:Hi,Tim!( I'm going to the post office ).I’ll send a letter to Bob.
A:( Did you get a letter from Bob )?
B:Yes.I got a letter from him the day before yesterday.
A:( How was Bob )?
B:Very well.He’s been traveling.He has been to France,Spain and Italy.
A:How lucky he is!( Was he born in London )?
B:Of course.He was born in England.And his mother is from London.
A:Oh,I see.London is very beautiful.And I’m going there with my family next month.
B:Really?( Have a safe trip )!
A:Thank you.

Do you like playing(musical音乐的 )(music)instruments?It’s interesting.