
Would you know my name,if I saw you in heaven?

Would it be the same,if I saw you in heaven?

Would you hold my hand,if I saw you in heaven?

这是一首经典英文歌《Tears in Heaven天堂之泪》
演唱者是Eric Clapton 埃里克.克莱普顿

Would you know my name 如果你我在天堂相见

f I saw you in heaven? 你是否还记得我的名字

Would you be the same 如果你我在天堂重逢

If I saw you in heaven? 你是否还会像从前一样?

I must be strong and carry on 我必须坚强地继续

Because I know 因为我知道

I don't belong here in heaven 我不属于这天堂

Would you hold my hand 如果你我在天堂相遇

If I saw you in heaven? 你会不会拉着我的手?

Would you help me stand 如果你我在天堂见面

If I saw you in heaven? 你是否会支持我,让我留下?

I'll find my way through night and day 我会日夜又日夜地寻找我的路

Because I know 因为我知道

I just can't stand here in heaven 我不能在天堂停留

Time can bring you down 时间能毁灭一切

Time can bend your knees 时间会让人屈服

Time can break your heart 时间把心揉碎

Have you begging please 你是否依然在祈祷

Begging please 祈祷.....

Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure 在天堂大门的另一边

And I know 那里有和平安宁

There'll be no more tears in heaven 我知道,那里不再有眼泪

Would you know my name 如果你我在天堂相见

If I saw you in heaven? 你是否还记得我的名字?

Would you be the same 你是否还会像从前一样?

I must be strong and carry on 我必须坚强地继续

Because I know 因为我知道

I don't belong here in heaven 我不属于这天堂
第1个回答  2007-01-18
第2个回答  2007-01-18
Yes..I would answer yes to all just to be romantic...
第3个回答  2007-01-18



第4个回答  2007-01-18
第5个回答  2007-01-18
楼上的好叫。。。。 人家是写给死掉的儿子的好伐
