

不要怪我小气 我把全家性命都压上了 ,还有 60分,只能给50啊


Only after falling love with you, I started to encounter the taste of missing you, the bitterness of being separated and suffering from being jealous, even the endless desire for possession.


Why each of your move could make me feel surging from the bottom of my heart?

Why I am always afraid of time flying away while can't be with you for the rest of my life?
第1个回答  2007-01-18
From loving you on,

I got to suffer all the flavors of missing,

distress of separation,

torments of jealousy,

as well as the endless desire for owning.

Why do your movements and activities make my heart seems to rise and fall like the waves.

Why am I afraid of the passing time that will make you depart from me,

without mutual help and relief in time of poverty throughout my life?
第2个回答  2007-01-18
Was in love with you, the taste, disjunctive sorrow bitterness that I just grasp to remember fondly and envy of endure long hardship, still have that occupancy desire that did not stop.Why does your each and every moves all let my flow and ebb of emotion?Why I am total frightened the time fleets away but can'ts wait upon each other with you the whole life?
第3个回答  2007-01-18