

这是我帮别人翻译的一篇东西: Yesterday I went to watch 3D IMAX 'Avatar' with my mother and the teachers in her school. I have to admit that the film is such a wonder that I thought it is well worth watching in one's whole life. 'Avatar' is not just a film. Yes the view in it is really beautiful, charming, amazing, wonderful...I can use hundreds of words to discribe what I saw. The film is not just about the love story between a 'human' and a Na'vi princess, but also a educational file. The film has someting in common with the USA history. The Na'vi people live on the planet called Pandora, seems like the Indian people who used to live on the America continent. They first welcomed the new guys who came to settled on the new land. They gave them food, provide them with warm clothing, and taught them the living skills, including how to hunt, to build house... But soon everything changed. The settlers became robbers. They robbed many things of the Indians, and treated them very bad, even began to drive them out of their living places. The Indians became homeless. What a shame! The new settlers treated their benedactor in such a crul way. How coldblood they were. In this film, the charactors were just changed. The Americans are changed into human beeings, and the locol Indians turn into the Na'vi people on the Pandora. They begin to rob again. They, or should I say 'we' are miserly. We have already damaged too much on the earth. The environment has been destroyed, the water has been wasted, the air has been polluted, the forest has been cut, millions of animals have been killed and we can never see them again. It is just so sad! I just cannot stand it. We must live in harmony with the nature. On the The U.N. Climate Change conference, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, our Chinese govenmengt published our aim, reducing the Carbon Dioxide. The USA government did not promise anything, they just focus on their own industry development. Do they really want to act like what the film has shown? Though I admire Mr. Obama, I can't understand why did he do this. In the film, I saw a Circumstances, the commander told the soldior that the Na'vi people believe that the Eywa would bless them everybody laughed at it. Because they don't have anything to believe in. Or can I say they just believe in themselves. It is so sad! People hang together because they have the same belief. But the soldiors in this film, have completed been coldblood killer. What did they fight for? For resources? Then they're robbers. For the commander's orders? Then they're idiot... My men it's time to wake up! It's time for us to hang together just like brothers and sisters, to fight for our living areas. Come on! 译文: 昨天我和我母亲还有她学校里的其他老师去看IMAX 3D版的“阿凡达”了。不得不承认,这电影真是奇迹,我想在人的一生中相当值得一看。“阿凡达”并不只是一部电影。是的,那里面的画面真是美丽又迷人,精彩又奇特…我能用上百个词来描述我的所见。这电影并不仅仅是一个关于人类和纳美公主的爱情故事,还是一部具有教育意义的片子。 这电影和美国历史有些类似。纳美人住在一个叫潘多拉的星球上,看上去像以前住在美洲大陆上的印第安人。他们起初欢迎来到新大陆安身的新朋友。他们给他们食物和衣服并且教他们如何打猎如何造房子…之类的生存技巧。但不久后一切都变了。移民们变成了强盗。他们从印第安人那抢了许多东西并且对待他们态度恶劣,甚至逐渐把他们赶出他们的住所。印第安人无家可归了。太可耻了!新的移民用这种残忍的方式对待他们的恩人。他们是多么冷血啊。 这部片子只是更换了角色。美国人换成了人类,土著印第安人换成了潘多拉星球上的纳美人。他们又一次抢劫了。他们,或许我应该称为“我们”是不幸的。我们早已在地球上破坏地太多了。环境被毁灭,水被浪费,空气被污染,森林被砍伐,数以百万计的动物被杀戮,我们再也见不到他们了。这真是太可悲了!我真是不能忍受。我们必须和自然和谐共存。 在丹麦的哥本哈根举行的联合国气候变化会议上,我们中国政府公开了我们的目标,降低二氧化碳。而美国政府没有任何承诺,他们只关系他们自己的工业发展。他们真想照着电影里放的那样做吗?虽然我很崇拜奥巴马先生,但我无法理解他为什么这么做。 电影里我看见一个场景,酋长告诉士兵们纳美人相信圣母伊娃会保佑他们的,所有人都笑了。因为他们没有什么信仰。或者说他们只相信他们自己。这太悲哀了!人们互相支持因为他们有相同的信仰。但是片中的战士们已是完完全全的冷血杀手。他们为什么而战?为了资源?那么他们就是强盗。为了上级的命令?那么他们是白痴… 我们人类,是时候觉醒了!是时候团结起来情同姐妹般,为我们的居住区而战了。加油吧!