

一 、听句子找出你所听到的单词将其序号填入题前括号内。  (10’)

   1 thinner   2  than  3  happier    4 low  5 true  6 minute   7   remember  8 chat   9  two twins 

   10   swim fast 

二 、根据听到的句子,选择正确的答句。 (5’)

  1 Who’s  heavier ,the elephant or the pig? 

   2 whose eyes are bigger, yours or hers? 

   3 Does your  father swim slower than your uncle?

   4 Which flies lower, the butterflies or the birds? 5 Don’t be late for school again. 

三听录音选择正确的答案。 (5’) 

  1 Do you have any brothers or sisters in your family, Jim? No I don’t have any.  

 2 Tom is 110 centimetres . Sam is 110 centimeters,too. 

3 Liu Tao runs as fast as me. I run slower than Gao Shan. 

  4 How old are you Su Hai ? I’m 12 years old this year . I ’m  three years younger than Ben. 

  5 Jim’s father is  taller and fatter than his uncle.
  四、 听录音填空,每空一词。读三遍  

 Mary and Helen are  classmates. Mary is eight years old. She is one year younger than Helen. But she is stronger and taller than Helen. Mary is good at Maths and English. Helen does well in Chinese. They also do better in PE, they both like singing and dancing. They have the same hobbies.

                          牛津小学英语(6B UNIT1-2)练习卷                                                                        

                                       班级           姓名           


一 、听句子找出你所听到的单词将其序号填入题前括号内。10’ 

(  )  1 A  thin   B thing   C thinner   D  think 

(  )  2 A  then    B than     C they      D  their 

(  )  3  A  heavy  B happy    C heavier   D  happier

 (   )  4 A   slow   B show    C shall        D  low 

 (   )  5  A choose   B tree      C  true        D  try

 (   )  6  A minute   B meter   C meet        D  centimetre 

(   )  7  A number   B remember   C  December   D November 

 (    )    8  A change    B child   C chat       D  chair  

 (   )    9  A twin brothers      B twin sisters   C two twins          D tall  twins  

 (   )  10 A run fast  B run faster  C swim faster   D swim fast 

二 、根据听到的句子,选择正确的答句。 5’ 

 (  ) 1 A The  pig.  B the elephant.  C Sorry I  don’t know.  

 (  ) 2 A My is     B Mine are.    C I am. 

 (  ) 3 A Yes, he is .   B Yes ,was .     C Yes, he does. 

 (  ) 4 A Yes, they do.  B The birds.    C The butterflies. 

 (  ) 5 A Thanks.   B I’m sorry .     C I'm late. 

三听录音选择正确的答案。 5’  

(    ) 1 Jim is  _______     in his family.  A   the third child  B  the only child  C  first child 

(     ) 2 Tom is _______          Sam.  A  taller than  B  as tall as  C shorter than

  (     ) 3 Gao Shan _______          than Liu Tao.  A  runs slower   B  runs faster   C  as fast as 

(     ) 4 Ben is _______      years old.   A 9    B 12     C  15 

 (     ) 5 Jim’s uncle is _______          than his father.    A   taller   B  thinner   C  fatter

 四、 听录音填空,每空一词。10’ 

 Mary and Helen are classmates. Mary is  _______           years old. She is one year  _______        than Helen. But she is  _______          and taller than Helen. Mary is good at  _______      and  _______English. Helen _______     _______                 in Chinese. They also do  _______       in PE, they both like  _______     and  _______       . They have the same  .      .                    


  一、语音 选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的单词5’  

(   )1. A. cousin   B. loudly  C. blouse   D  house

 (   )2. A. heavier  B. head    C. read    D  sweater  

 (   )3. A. fat      B. glad    C. dance     D  chat  

 (   )4. A. skirt      B. bird     C. short     D worker

 (   )5. A. doctor     B. forty    C. morning   D horse 


 1 do more exercise   _______            6跑得快  _______                   

 2 the only child     _______                7擅长游泳    _______               

 3 in the sports field   _______            8 比我们的重   _______            

 4  look younger      _______               9  跳得比我远  _______         

 5 be the goalkeeper  _______           10 去散步    _______             


 (  )1. _______        shoes are bigger than yours?     A. Whose    B. Who’s    C. Who   

                 D.  Whoes  

(  )2.I’m  _______            than you ?      A. thin    B. thiner   C.  shorter   D   bigger  

 (  )3. _______            pumpkin is heavier than that pumpkin?     A. Whose    B. Who’s 

                       C. Which  D. How 

 (  )4.  _______       your twin sister _______      up earlier than you last night?    A. Is  getting      

             B. Does  get  C. Do  get   D.   Did   get

 (  )5.  _______   your uncles  _______        than your father?      A. Is  taller  B. Does  taller   

                  C. Are  taller     D. Do taller  

(  )6.We are all good _______     Music  and  Art.    A. in    B. of     C. at   D.  to 

 (  )7.Yang Ling skates as _______      as Helen.      A. well    B. good    C. better   D.  gooder 

 (  )8. Ben and Jack  _______         for a walk in the park yesterday.     A. go    B. going    

      C. went   D. goes   

(  )9.Jim has  _______      story books than his classmates.    A. many   B. more   C. much  

             D. some 

 (  )10.  _______            are the same age.      A. Jim and I   B.I and Jim   C. Jim and me 

             D. me and Jim

 (  )11.He draws better than some of _______        .     A. they    B. oue    C. we   D. them  

(  )12.Mike is  _______      than Jim, but he runs        than Jim.      A. stronger, faster  

              B. stronger ,    slower      C. strong , lower       D. stronger , higher 

 (  )13.How about    _______         for a walk around the lake ?   A. go    B. going    C. went   

             D. goes 

 (  )14.Would you   _______       the new words , please ?     A .read   B. to read  

                  C.like reading     D. like to read 

 (  )15.  _______      you look the same?      A. Are   B.  Is   C.   Do    D.  Does

 四、 所给适当形式填空。9’ 

    Ben ______ (jump) ________ (high) than some of the boys in his class.  

    2.________ Nancy sing __________ (well) than Helen? Yes  .

     3.Fangfang is not as _________ (tall) as the other girls.  

    4.My eyes are __________(big) than         (she).

 5. Who gets up _________(early),Tim or Tom?  

7. The child  ______(not write) faster than the other students.      

五、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容在空格内填入一个适当的词 5’    

     Sui Hai and Su Yang are twin s  _______     . Su Hai is as o _______        as SuYang.They are in the same class and they l _______       the same. They are good at r _______       and 

j  _______      .Su Hai r _______       f _______       than Su Yang, but Su Yang jumps 

h _______       . Su Yang is b _______       at the long jump than Su Hai. They want to

 v _______    London in 2012. 


  1、Who is taller,your father or your mother?                          

  2、What are you good at?                                           

  3、Do the bees smaller than the dogs?                              

  4、Are you fatter than your mother?                


 (  )1. Where is London?                     A. It’s Ann’s. 

(  )2. What time is it?                          B. Ann.          

   (  )3. When’s May Day?                  C. It’s in England. 

 (  )4. How many girls can you see?    D. Yes, they are.

 (  )5. Who’s the girl in red?                E.  Eight.  

(   )6. Whose the red purse is it?        F. Yes, here you are. 

(  )7. Are Liu Tao and Liu Bin twins?  G.It’s eight.

 (  )8. Can I have an orange?            H.It’s on the 1st of May.   


1.谁的尺更长,我的还是她的? _______       ruler is   _______   ,       or  _______     ?

 2. 蝴蝶飞的比蜜蜂高。    The butterflies  _______        than the bees.

 3.Lucy不像Lily一样矮。    Lucy isn’t                       Lily.

4.杨凌每天睡得比苏阳晚。    Yang Ling _______ _ to _______   ________ than Su Yang       

                                          every  day.

5 我在体育方面需要帮助。 I    _______   _______   _______       PE.  


      It's Saturday today . It's a sunny day .  Mr Green is going to the park at 9;30 . He's going to play cards with Mr Brownthere. Mrs Green and Mrs Brown aren't going to the park . They're going to go shopping . Tomorrow’s  Mrs Green 's sons' birthday . She's going to buy  two new toy planes for them. And Mrs Brown isn't going to buy a plane for her son . She is going to buy a new dress for herself (她自己 ).

 (  ) 1. It is       .   A. Saturday morning      B. Saturday afternoon      C. Saturday evening        

                       D. Sunday 

 (   ) 2.Mr Green is going to play with   in the park .   A.  Mrs Green   B. Mr Brown       

                    C. Mrs Brown      D. Mrs Green and Mrs Brown 

 (  ) 3.  Mr Green’s sons are     .         A.  different ages     B. twin brothers          C. twin sisters       

                   D. aren't the sme age 

 (   ) 4. The new planes are birthday presents for       .   A.  Mr Brown's son    B. Mrs Green          

                  C. Mrs Brown      D. Mr Green's sons 

 (   ) 5.  Mrs Brown wants to buy      .             A.  a new skirt     B. a new plane  

               C. a new dress     D. a purse   


      I’m an English girl. My name is Alice. I’m twelve years old. I’m in  Shanghai with my mother. I’m a student of No.2 Primary School in Shanghai. My mother and I are in the same school. She teaches English and I study Chinese. I have two good Chinese friends in my class. They’re HanMei and Zhang Hua. They help me study Chinese. I help them with their English. 

(    )1.Alice is 20 . 

 (    )2.Alice isn’t English.  

(    )3.Alice mother works in No.2 Primary School. 

(    )4.Han Mei and Zhang Hua are Chinese.  

(    )5.Alice, HanMei, ZhangHua aren’t classmates.

第1个回答  2014-02-22