

Bread, the versatile food item, does not have a fixed article when quantifying. A slice of bread refers to a single slice, while a loaf of bread refers to the entire French stick. Therefore, in the English language, bread is considered an uncountable noun.
The pronunciation of bread is [bred] in both British and American English.
- noun: bread; money;
- verb: to sprinkle breadcrumbs on;
Example sentence: Could you stop by the store on the way home for some bread?
Additional information:
- Third-person singular: breads
- Present participle: breading
- Past tense: breaded
- Past participle: breaded
Rules for using uncountable nouns:
Undcountable nouns cannot be counted with numbers. They can refer to abstract concepts or very small, non-solid objects such as liquids, powders, or gases. Uncountable nouns use the singular form of verbs and typically do not have a plural form. We cannot use "a" or "an" before uncountable nouns to indicate quantity. Instead, we use quantifiers like some, a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal of, etc. To express quantity more precisely, we can use terms like a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of, an hour of, a day of, etc. If the quantity is inquired, "How much..." can be used to ask.