

Though it turned out to be part of a social experiment by The Washington Post about perception, taste and priorities, it raises such a question: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing some of the best music ever written, how many other beautiful things are we missing?

1)【连词Though】【主语it】【谓语turned out】【不定式作宾语to be part of a social experiment (介宾结构作定语by The Washington Post) (介宾结构作定语about perception, taste and priorities)】,
2)【主语it】【谓语raises】【宾语such a question】:
3)【连词If】【主语we】【谓语do not have】【宾语a moment】【不定式作状语to stop and listen to (不定式的逻辑宾语one of the best musicians in the world) (现在分词短语作逻辑宾语的补足语playing some of the best music ever written)】,
4)【疑问词how many】【宾语other beautiful things】are 【主语we】【谓语(连同前面的are) missing】?
第1个回答  2019-01-04
此句话没有写完,冒号后缺少主句:how many other beautiful things are we missing? 另外,你写的第五行中应该是world (世界),不是 word (词)。追答

Though 从属连词,引起让步状语从句
it 主语
turned out to be 谓语
part of a social experiment 表语
by The Washington Post 介词短语作定语
about perception, ... priorities 介词短语作状语

it 主语
raises 谓语
such a question 宾语

冒号之后就是一个question (问句)。
If 从属连词引起状语从句
we 主语
do not have 谓语
a moment 宾语
to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing some of the best music ever written 动词不定式短语作后置定语,修饰the moment

one of the best musicians 宾语
in the world 定语
playing some of the best music 宾语补足语
ever written 过去分词作后置定语


第2个回答  2019-01-04
It形式主语 does谓语 women,and society间接宾语 no favors 直接宾语 to。。。。hook主语