

一 .when 用作副词.
When will you come to see me?你什么时候要来看我?
When are they going to visit the Great Wall?他们打算什么时候去游览长城?
2.用作连接副词,通常用来引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、宾语从句及起名词作用的“ when +动词不定式”结构.例如:
When he comes is not known.他何时来还不知道.
The morning is when I am busiest.早上是我最忙的时候.
I have no idea when the game will begin.我不知道比赛何时开始.
I don't know when the plane takes off.我不知道飞机何时起飞.
I don't know when to leave for London.我不知道该在何时动身去伦敦.
Do you still remember the days when we stayed in America?你还记得我们呆在美国的那些日子吗?
The day will come soon when the Chinese astronauts will go to the moon.中国宇航员登上月球的那一天很快就要到来了.
It happened ten years ago,when I was a child.事情发生在十年前,当时我还是个小孩子.
We will go to the countryside at the beginning of June,when the summer harvest will start.我们将在六月初下乡,那时夏收就要开始了.
二 .when 用作连词.
They learned a lot from the peasants when they stayed in the village.
It was snowing when he arrived at the station.他到达车站时,天正下着雪.
注意:如果 when 引导的从句中的主语和主句中的主语一致,且从句中的谓语动词是“ be +分词”或从句主语是 it ,则 be 动词及其主语常可省略.例如:
When ( he was ) asked why he was late,he made no answer.当被问到他为什么迟到时,他避而不答.
I'll tell him about it when ( it is ) possible.在可能的时候,我会把那件事告诉他的.
We will stand up when the teacher comes into the classroom.老师一进教室我们就起立.
Fire the rockets when I give the signal.我一发信号,你就点燃火箭.
3.用作从属连词,意为“还没 / 刚刚……就”,引导时间状语从句.例如:
I had hardly opened the door when he came in.我刚一开门,他就进来了.
I had not been reading for half an hour when I heard someone call my name.我刚刚看了半个小时的书,就听到有人叫我的名字.
He will be likely to recover when he is operated on.如果动手术,他有可能康复.
Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.如果机器发生故障,就把电源关上.
Why use metal when you can use plastic?既然能用塑料,为什么用金属呢?
They kept trying when they knew it was hopeless.尽管他们知道那件事没有希望,可是他们还在不断地努力.
6.用作并列连词,意为“在那时,届时”,表示时间.这时主句中可以用过去进行时,过去完成时或“ was/were about to do sth.”结构.例如:
Last night I was about to go to bed when the phone rang.昨天晚上我正要上床睡觉时,电话铃响了.
I was cooking in the kitchen when someone knocked at the door.我正在厨房做饭,这时有人敲门.
He had just finished the book when supper was served.我刚刚读完这本书,这时晚饭就端上来了.
He usually walks to work when he might take a bus.虽然他可以坐公共汽车上班,但他却常常步行上班.
I had only twenty dollars when I needed thirty to buy the dictionary.
我需要 30 美元买那本字典,可是我只有 20 美元.
How can he say that everything is fine when it's obvious that it is not?他怎能说一切都好呢?情况显然不是那样.
三 .when 用作代词.
when 作为代词常常位于介词之后,意为“那时,什么时候”.例如:
We came back on Tuesday,since when we have been working in the repair shop.我们星期二回来,从那时起就一直在修配车间工作.
Since when have you been studying Japanese?你是从何时起一直学习日语的?
另外,when 还可用作名词,前面常常用定冠词 the .the when 表示事件发生的时间,常常与 the where,the how 并列使用.例如:
He told the police the when and the how of the accident.他告诉警察事故发生的时间及发生的原委.
第1个回答  2018-03-30

    when 用作副词:


    When will you come to see me? 你什么时候要来看我?

    when +动词不定式”结构。

    When he comes is not known. 他何时来还不知道。


    Do you still remember the days when we stayed in America? 你还记得我们呆在美国的那些

    when 用作连词。
    1. 用作从属连词,意为“当……的时候”,引导时间状语从句

    They learned a lot from the peasants when they stayed in the village.

    We will stand up when the teacher comes into the classroom. 老师一进教室我们就起立。

    用作从属连词,意为“还没 / 刚刚……就”,引导时间状语从句。

    例如: I had hardlyopened the door when he came in. 我刚一开门,他就进来了。  4.


    例如: He will be likely to recover when he is operated on. 如果动手术,他有可能康复。


    例如: Why use metal when you can use plastic? 既然能用塑料,为什么用金属呢?

    用作并列连词,意为“在那时,届时”,表示时间。这时主句中可以用过去进行时,过去完成 时或“ was/were about to do sth. ”结构。

    例如: Last night I was about to go to bed when the phone rang. 昨天晚上我正要上床睡觉时,电话铃响了。


    例如: He usually walks to work when he might take a bus. 虽然他可以坐公共汽车上班,但他却常 常步行上班。


    例如: How can he say that everything is fine when it's obvious that it is not? 他怎能说一切都好呢?情况显然不是那样。

    when 用作代词。 when 作为代词常常位于介词之后,意为“那时,什么时候”。

    例如: We came back on Tuesday, since when we have been working in the repair shop. 我们星 期二回来,从那时起就一直在修配车间工作。  

    when 还可用作名词,前面常常用定冠词 the 。 the when 表示事件发生的时间,常常与 the where, the how 并列使用。

    例如: He told the police the when and the how of the accident. 他告诉警察事故发生的时间及发生 的原委。

第2个回答  2016-02-19
1. QUEST 疑问词
You use when to ask questions about the time at which things happen. 什么时候 (用于疑问句,询问某事发生的时间)
例:When are you going home?你什么时候回家?
例:When did you get married?你是什么时候结婚的?

2. CONJ 连词
If something happens when something else is happening, the two things are happening at the same time. (表示两件事同时发生) 当…的时候
例:When eating a whole cooked fish, you should never turn it over to get at the flesh on the other side.吃一整条做熟的鱼时,你永远都不要把鱼翻过来吃另一边的肉。

3. CONJ 连词
You use when to introduce a clause in which you mention something that happens at some point during an activity, event, or situation. 当…时 (引导从句,表示从句中提到的事发生在另一活动、事件或情况期间)
例:When I met the Gills, I had been gardening for nearly ten years.我结识吉尔一家时,我已经几乎做了十年的园艺。

4. CONJ 连词
You use when to introduce a clause where you mention the circumstances under which the event in the main clause happened or will happen. 在…情况下 (引导从句,表示从句中提到的情况是主句中已经发生或即将发生的事的前提)
例:When he brought Imelda her drink she gave him a genuine, sweet smile of thanks.当他给艾梅尔达拿来一杯饮料时,她给了他一个真诚、甜美、表示谢意的微笑。

5. CONJ 连词
You use when after certain words, especially verbs and adjectives, to introduce a clause where you mention the time at which something happens. 什么时候 (用在某些词尤其是动词和形容词后,引导从句说明某事发生的时间)
例:I asked him when he'd be back to pick me up.我问他什么时候回来接我。

6. PRON-REL 关系代词
You use when to introduce a clause that specifies or refers to the time at which something happens. 当…的时候 (引导表示某事发生的具体时间的从句)
例:He could remember a time when he had worked like that himself.他还记得当他 自己也像那样工作的那段时间。

7. CONJ 连词
You use when to introduce the reason for an opinion, comment, or question. 既然 (用于引入观点、评论、或问题的原因)
例:How can I love myself when I look like this?既然我这么一副样子,我怎么能爱我自己?

8. CONJ 连词
You use when in order to introduce a fact or comment which makes the other part of the sentence rather surprising or unlikely. 而 (引出令人吃惊的事实或评论)
例:Our mothers sat us down to read and paint, when all we really wanted to do was to make a mess.我们的妈妈们让我们坐下读书、画画,而我们真正想要做的却是胡闹一阵。