十月四日是世界动物日,你校组织以“I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals”为题的英语演讲比

十月四日是世界动物日,你校组织以“I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals”为题的英语演讲比赛。假如李明参加比赛,请你以“李明”的名义写一篇英语演讲稿推荐自己,内容如下: 品质 善良,善待动物;勤劳,做额外事; 爱好 ……(至少两点) 事迹 组织慈善义演,为Save China’s Tigers筹款;……(至少一点) 感悟 动物是人类的朋友;保护动物就是保护我们自己; 打算 ……(至少两点) 要求: 1.词数100个左右。演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2.所写短文必须包括以上内容,自由发挥的内容必须围绕主题。3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。(参考词汇:额外的extra)I want to be a volunteer of protecting animalsHello, everyone. I’m Li Ming. I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals. I’m glad to make a speech here._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If I can be a volunteer,___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for listening!

I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals
Hello, everyone. I’m Li Ming. I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals I’m glad to make a speech here. I am kind to others. I am good with animals. I like playing football and the guitar. I have ever organized raising money for Save China’s Tigers. And I keep some homeless little animals.
Animals are our friends. We should love each other. I am always thinking protecting animals is protecting ourselves. If I can be a volunteer, I will work harder and do more meaningful things to protect animals. I will announce more people love animals like me. I must try my best to make the world more united.
Thanks for listening!
