各位英语高手,帮下忙啊,写一篇关于“现代师生关系”的英语作文,高二水平 急啊·~!! 在线等



各位英语高手,帮下忙啊· 急啊·~~ 在线等~!!!
只有20分了 好的话全给你了·· 帮忙啊·~~


The teacher-student relationship is now much more harmonious than In some time, I am willing to tell the teacher I was thinking, such as their class the way the teacher's views ... ... but some minds the idea of do not want to tell the teacher, because I think it is my privacy. Nevertheless, the teacher-student relationship is much more harmonious than before. Teachers and students is no longer a strict teacher-student relationship, or friends do! I hope that the harmony between teachers and students, teachers can understand students and respected teachers. In this case, students will learn in a warm environment, and learn more things.

第1个回答  2009-10-11
The teacher-student relationship is now much more harmonious than In some time, I am willing to tell the teacher I was thinking, such as their class the way the teacher's views ... ... but some minds the idea of do not want to tell the teacher, because I think it is my privacy. Nevertheless, the teacher-student relationship is much more harmonious than before. Teachers and students is no longer a strict teacher-student relationship, or friends do! I hope that the harmony between teachers and students, teachers can understand students 我建议你上网去查