
1. 我从上海来,到赫尔辛基转机去巴塞罗那?
2. 请问去巴塞罗那的登机口在哪里?
3. 我到哪里拿我的行李?


I'm from Shanghai,and I'm going to Helsinki to take the connecting-flight to Barcelona

Could you tell me where is the departure gate to Barcelona

Could you please tell me where to pick up my luggage
第1个回答  2009-12-12
1.I come from Shanghai and go to Helsinki ,take a transfer at Barcelona.
2.Excuse me, which gate is the flight to Barcelona?
3.Where should I get my luggage?
第2个回答  2009-12-19
1. I come from Shanghai, goes to Barcelona to the Helsinki favorable turn?
2. Ask goes to Barcelona's gate; departure gate in where?
3. Take my baggage do I to where?