英译汉 Motivation, Determination and Dedication

• What makes an original contributor in science is often not only ability, but also something else, something apparently intangible, and not easily detected. This extra something lies deeply within the individual and needs to be nurtured and tested.
• Motivation is a personal trait that is primarily instilled by seniors such as teachers or parents. An important aspect in developing motivation is the setting of goals. A person probably has set long-range goals, or at this point more like dreams, such as winning the Nobel Prize. This is great as long as the individual is realistically working toward short-range goals also. These are the day-to-day accomplishments that really make working hard seem fun.
• Proficiency in anything requires a great deal of determination and self-discipline. I addition, a person’s ability to cope with frustration is also an important factor in one’s life career. Repeated failures at making experiments may be too much for many talented would-be scientists. The determination to continue, with the realization that everything worthwhile takes a great deal of patience, is an essential requirement. These factors, together with inherent dedication, will bring about the realization of one’s aspirations. Through all this it is not the triumph but the struggle that brings about the complete personal satisfaction in knowing that you as a scientist have given your all.

• What makes an original contributor in science is often not only ability, but also something else, something apparently intangible, and not easily detected. This extra something lies deeply within the individual and needs to be nurtured and tested.
造就一个具有创造性的科学家通常不仅是个人能力, 而且还有能力之外的其他因素,那些看似无形,不是显而易见的素质。这素质位于个人的内心深处,需要加以培养和经受考验。

• Motivation is a personal trait that is primarily instilled by seniors such as teachers or parents. An important aspect in developing motivation is the setting of goals. A person probably has set long-range goals, or at this point more like dreams, such as winning the Nobel Prize. This is great as long as the individual is realistically working toward short-range goals also. These are the day-to-day accomplishments that really make working hard seem fun.
动机是一种个人特质,它主要是由年长的老师或家长灌输的。拓展动机的一个重要方面是设置目标。一个人可能树立了一系列长远目标,或更像是当时的梦想,如获得诺贝尔奖。只要他正脚踏实地为他的近期目标而奋斗, 那就难能可贵。这些日常成就让奋斗充满乐趣。

• Proficiency in anything requires a great deal of determination and self-discipline. In addition, a person’s ability to cope with frustration is also an important factor in one’s life career. Repeated failures at making experiments may be too much for many talented would-be scientists. The determination to continue, with the realization that everything worthwhile takes a great deal of patience, is an essential requirement. These factors, together with inherent dedication, will bring about the realization of one’s aspirations. Through all this it is not the triumph but the struggle that brings about the complete personal satisfaction in knowing that you as a scientist have given your all.
第1个回答  2009-12-09