
Well, today I went to have the SciEng Class. To be honest, I don't really like the teacher's pronunciation. Buy that guy really knows so much thing that I appreciate him so much. Anyway, It's quite a interesting course.

And tonight we have another experiment but to my surprise, that exp. finished in 20 min ...

When back to my dorm, after a shower, I watched a horror movie called "When A Stranger Calls" . Well that is really a horrible one, make me feel that scare and nervous.

OK, I have to sleep now.


went to have可直接改为had 或者took。so many things things永远是可数,即使你是指“事情” appreciate改掉 appreciate多指欣赏 或者感谢 不是喜欢。 an interesting course。tonight we DID/CARRIED OUT...。。 后面那句应该是we finished the experiment in 20 min 实验怎么可能主动完成自己呢?这句应该改为And tonight we did another experiment,but to my surprise,we finished it in 20 min.but前面好像要有逗号 要不然surprise后面就不要有。这点我记不清了。

最后一段开头不对,最好这样改After coming back to my dorm and taking a shower.
horror movie是非常正确的,但是不能让你觉得horrible,这个单词跟terrible意思很近,遭透了的,坏透了的,但是跟horror
不那么近,建议你去查oxford或者webster,不要查中文字典。这里说make me feel口语中是可以的,但是语法上是不行的(^_^)
最后 你想说那么害怕事吧? 应该是so scared and nervous

dude u gonna need to read more.english is not about reciting words,but a sense of language which can only be accquired by exposing to the language for a long time.learn through everything you enjoy, sports, movies, computer games.dont make it a big deal,dont make it painful.ur english is not bad. the problem is that u just simply translate the sentene into english.it's another way of thinking, organizing ur thought instead of absolute translation.read more and give it time u will get it.
第1个回答  2006-09-16
Well, today I went to (have 不用have) the SciEng Class. To be honest, I don't(写文章最好不要用缩写) really like the teacher's pronunciation. Buy(是想说 but?最要用however,but一般不适合用于句首) that guy(用men 比较正式) really knows so much thing that I appreciate him so much.(建议改为 however that men really taught me a lot of things which i am really appreciated of.) Anyway, It's(最好不要用缩写) quite a interesting course.

And tonight,(逗号,可以不用AND) we have another experiment, but to my surpriseLY that exp. finished in 20 min ...

When IAM back to my dorm, TOKE a shower, I STARTEDTOwatch a horror movie, called "When A Stranger Calls" . Well that is really a horrible MOVIE, make me feel that scare and nervous.(建议改为 Well that movie really made me feel scary and nervous.)

OK(okay,不要缩写), I have to GO TO sleep now