
曼诺林是老人悲剧的见证人。老人出海之前和从海上返回之后,或者说,老人悲剧的前前后后的故事,曼诺林都历历在目。读者通过曼诺林对老人的评价和感受,深入地了解、认识了老人,这比依靠作家的叙述和交代产生的真实感要强化得多。比如小说结尾处五次“哭”的描写,这就比直接描写老人痛苦的惨象产生的真实效果要强得多。其次,曼诺林与老人构成了一老一少的“二人世界”,有了这“二人世界”,这就如同戏剧舞台上有了两个演员一样,使戏剧人物有了 “对白”的可能。海明威让曼诺林进入作品,从而主人公桑提亚哥就有了一个“说话”的人;作品就可以借助他们的说话“对白”和交往活动,交代主人公的经历、爱好、处境、背运、现状等情况,而不需要作家以全知全能的叙述者身份,来讲述“老人与海”的故事。这是一种限制视角叙述方式,其特点是可以限制过滤掉作家的任何主观评价和感受,能够给读者以想象空间,使作品产生“张力”,而且更加符合生活真实,从而给读者以逼真的感知体验,作者正是运用了小男孩的“转述”作用,从一个侧面给老人的形象做了一个特写,从而达到了一种意想不到的效果,使得老人的形象更为丰满。

曼诺林是老人悲剧的见证人。老人出海之前和从海上返回之后,或者说,老人悲剧的前前后后的故事,曼诺林都历历在目。读者通过曼诺林对老人的评价和感受,深入地了解、认识了老人,这比依靠作家的叙述和交代产生的真实感要强化得多。比如小说结尾处五次“哭”的描写,这就比直接描写老人痛苦的惨象产生的真实效果要强得多。其次,曼诺林与老人构成了一老一少的“二人世界”,有了这“二人世界”,这就如同戏剧舞台上有了两个演员一样,使戏剧人物有了 “对白”的可能。海明威让曼诺林进入作品,从而主人公桑提亚哥就有了一个“说话”的人;作品就可以借助他们的说话“对白”和交往活动,交代主人公的经历、爱好、处境、背运、现状等情况,而不需要作家以全知全能的叙述者身份,来讲述“老人与海”的故事。这是一种限制视角叙述方式,其特点是可以限制过滤掉作家的任何主观评价和感受,能够给读者以想象空间,使作品产生“张力”,而且更加符合生活真实,从而给读者以逼真的感知体验,作者正是运用了小男孩的“转述”作用,从一个侧面给老人的形象做了一个特写,从而达到了一种意想不到的效果,使得老人的形象更为丰满。
第1个回答  2010-03-02
The rhythm 2.2.2 priorities
Hemingway once in rhythm, said: "this book starts slowly, but gradually accelerating tempo faster intolerable, I always let sentiment to let readers, and unbearable to stabilize, lest they prepare oxygen tent" (3)
The little boy appeared for each will bring peace, the tension is like a needle stability, consoles readers that the ups and downs of the emotion, lest tachycardia cannot bear. The novel gives a person the rhythm, which began to our old story describes the dialogue with the little boy, explain, describes the seaside small village life in peace and quiet. Speed is slow, with little boy with old man say goodbye, old sailing process, speed up and began gradually, when the old man and the marlin, shark confrontation, fast to the poles. Especially in the struggle, fish, shark fluctuating in fierce attacks, the old man was tired, under the situation of readers in high spirits, tightly for the old man preoccupied. When the fish, the old man took a calm and relax fight again, tone, and a nervous, until the fish was completely empty boat, old man and, when the little boy again, everything was again slowly restored calm. The ups and downs of rhythm, which the protagonist's difficult situation, enhance the artistic appeal, have the effect of exaggeratesthe atmosphere. The little boy here for the cushion tension storyline increased music of rhythm.
Manolin told the tragedy is the old man witnesses. Old man went before and after the returns from the sea, or the whole tragedy, the old man, manolin told the story I have. Readers of old manolin told through the evaluation and feelings, understanding, understanding, this is the narrative and explaination on writers of realism to strengthen. Such novels end five times "cry", this is the description of the pain than direct description of old sight more real effect. Secondly, manolin told old man with a little constitute a "two people" world, with the "two people" world, it is like a drama stage two actors, make the drama has "dialogue". Hemingway's works make manolin told to enter, hero Santiago had a "talking", Works with their can speak "dialogue" and communication activities of the heroine, replacement, hobbies, situation, suffering, etc., and not to the writer, to the narrator all-effective about "the old man and the sea". This is a limited narrative perspective, its characteristic is to filter out the limit any subjective evaluation and writer, to give the reader a imaginary space to produce "tension, and more accord with" real life, which will give the reader a lifelike perception experience, the author is using a small boy, "quotes" from one side to the old man made a close-up image, thus achieved an unexpected effect, make the image more plentiful man
第2个回答  2010-03-12
Hemingway once in rhythm, said: "this book starts slowly, but gradually accelerating tempo faster intolerable, I always let sentiment to let readers, and unbearable to stabilize, lest they prepare oxygen tent" (3)
The little boy appeared for each will bring peace, the tension is like a needle stability, consoles readers that the ups and downs of the emotion, lest tachycardia cannot bear. The novel gives a person the rhythm, which began to our old story describes the dialogue with the little boy, explain, describes the seaside small village life in peace and quiet. Speed is slow, with little boy with old man say goodbye, old sailing process, speed up and began gradually, when the old man and the marlin, shark confrontation, fast to the poles. Especially in the struggle, fish, shark fluctuating in fierce attacks, the old man was tired, under the situation of readers in high spirits, tightly for the old man preoccupied. When the fish, the old man took a calm and relax fight again, tone, and a nervous, until the fish was completely empty boat, old man and, when the little boy again, everything was again slowly restored calm. The ups and downs of rhythm, which the protagonist's difficult situation, enhance the artistic appeal, have the effect of exaggeratesthe atmosphere. The little boy here for the cushion tension storyline increased music of rhythm.
Manolin told the tragedy is the old man witnesses. Old man went before and after the returns from the sea, or the whole tragedy, the old man, manolin told the story I have. Readers of old manolin told through the evaluation and feelings, understanding, understanding, this is the narrative and explaination on writers of realism to strengthen. Such novels end five times "cry", this is the description of the pain than direct description of old sight more real effect. Secondly, manolin told old man with a little constitute a "two people" world, with the "two people" world, it is like a drama stage two actors, make the drama has "dialogue". Hemingway's works make manolin told to enter, hero Santiago had a "talking", Works with their can speak "dialogue" and communication activities of the heroine, replacement, hobbies, situation, suffering, etc., and not to the writer, to the narrator all-effective about "the old man and the sea". This is a limited narrative perspective, its characteristic is to filter out the limit any subjective evaluation and writer, to give the reader a imaginary space to produce "tension, and more accord with" real life, which will give the reader a lifelike perception experience, the author is using a small boy, "quotes" from one side to the old man made a close-up image, thus achieved an unexpected effect, make the image more plentiful man.
第3个回答  2010-03-06
Hemingway had said in his discussion of rhythm: "The book starts slow, but gradually accelerating pace, how fast people can not stand, I always allow sentiment to allow readers to unbearable, and then stabilized, lest they should be given to preparing Oxygen shed "③
For every time the little boy will bring calm to the tense atmosphere, just as a needle stability, and comfort the reader that the emotional ups and downs in order to avoid tachycardia can not afford. This novel gives a sense of rhythm is one such, the story began to describe the elderly and the little boy we have a dialogue with his right, describing the life of a seaside fishing village harmony and tranquility. Relatively slow pace, with the little boy and the elderly to bid farewell to old sailing beginning of a process to speed up the speed gradually, when the elderly and marlin, sharks direct confrontation when the speed reached its nadir. In particular, fish constantly struggling fluctuations, violent shark attack
Old folk are very tired of the situation, the reader sentiment is strong, tightly Nieyibahan for the elderly. Wait until the fish a little calm, a few elderly people would take the opportunity to breathe a breath to relax, and then start fighting again tense, until the fish is completely off, the elderly and return an empty boat, when the boy appeared again, things will eventually to restore calm. This fluctuation-style rhythm, highlighted the difficult situation of the hero and enhance their works of art appeal, played a role in rendering the atmosphere. The little boy played here for the buffering effect of increased tension in the story of music like rhythm.
Man Nuolin the elderly witness to the tragedy. Old sea before and after the return from the sea, or that the Ins and Outs of the tragic story of the elderly, Man Nuolin are vivid. The reader through the Man Nuolin evaluation of the elderly and feelings and in-depth understanding and awareness of the elderly, than to rely on writers create narrative and account for much more realism to intensify. Example, five times at the end of the novel "Cry," the description, which the elderly than direct description of the tragic suffering of the real effect has to be generated as much stronger. Second, the Man Nuolin the elderly constitute a little old and a "two world", with these "two world",
This is like a drama with two actors on stage, like so dramatic characters have a "dialogue" as well. Let Man Nuolin into the works of Hemingway, which protagonists Santiago had a "talk" people; works can make use of their words on the "dialogue" and exchange activities, account for the hero's experiences, hobbies, situation, unlucky, status and so on, without the need for writers to omniscient narrator identity, to tell the story, "Hits" story. This is a limited perspective of narrative, which is characterized by a writer can be restricted to filter out any subjective assessments and feelings, can give the reader to imagine the space, so that works
Have a "tension" but more in line with real life, giving the reader with vivid sensory experiences, the authors used the little boy is a "quoted" role, from one side to the image of elderly people has made a close-up, so as to achieve a kind of an unexpected effect, making the image of the elderly is more fullness.