
1 阴历年到来的前几天,我们便把房子打扫得干干净净并装饰一新。老人们说必须干干净净过春节,这样来年才会幸福,交好运。
2 除夕全家聚一堂共进晚餐,春节庆祝活动便以此作为开始。人们不论离家多远,都总是想方设法及时赶回家去分享这顿持续几个小时的丰盛晚餐
3 钓鱼时一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。著名的词作家乔羽说:“钓鱼可以分为三个阶段:第一阶段是吃鱼;第二阶段是吃鱼和情趣兼而有之;第三阶段主要是钓趣,面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都抛到一边,使自己的身心得到充分休息。
1, 世界上大多数城市,都在没有任何为城市发展拟定的合理计划下发展起来。现在越来越多的市政府已认识到控制和指导发展的必要。
2, 当敬老养老蔚然成风时,各个年龄层的人都会有一种安全感,每个人都有一天会变老。如果人们确信老年时生活一定幸福安乐,就会全力以赴地投入工作。
3, 速度是感觉不出来的。但是我们的额判断力会使我们知道我们在运动。我们看见东西在我们的身边滑过,同时感觉到我们感到震动。
4, 发展危机,特别是反映在发展中国家外债问题中的危机,是全球性经济不平衡的令人震撼的表现。危机要求我们寻求创造性的解决办法。

1 celebrated on the fifteenth day, we just days before the arrival of the house clean and decoration. Old people should clean the Spring Festival, said this year will be happy, good luck.
Two new family gather together for dinner, Spring Festival celebration as began. Regardless of how far from home, are always trying to get back home in time to share this continuous hours of big dinner
3 fishing one item can edify movement, be beneficial to health of body and mind. The famous CiZuoGu qiao yu said: "fishing can be divided into three stages: the first stage is to eat fish; the second stage is to eat fish and interest both; the third phase is mainly fishing, face a pool of water, and will be concerned trouble all aside, make oneself body get enough rest.

1 most cities in the world, and in the absence of any city development plan for the next development plan. Now more and more government has already realized control and guide the development.
2 when fellow endowment all, people of all ages will have a sense of security, everyone will someday become old. If people are convinced that old life happiness, will certainly devoted job.
Three speed is not feeling. But we can make sense of the amount we know that we in sports. We see things in our side, also feel we feel vibrations.
4, development, especially the crisis reflected in the developing countries, is the debt crisis problem of global economic imbalances stunning performance. We seek creative requirements crisis solution
第1个回答  2010-03-05
1 celebrated on the fifteenth day, we just days before the arrival of the house clean and decoration. Old people should clean the Spring Festival, said this year will be happy, good luck.
Two new family gather together for dinner, Spring Festival celebration as began. Regardless of how far from home, are always trying to get back home in time to share this continuous hours of big dinner
3 fishing one item can edify movement, be beneficial to health of body and mind. The famous CiZuoGu qiao yu said: "fishing can be divided into three stages: the first stage is to eat fish; the second stage is to eat fish and interest both; the third phase is mainly fishing, face a pool of water, and will be concerned trouble all aside, make oneself body get enough rest.

1 most cities in the world, and in the absence of any city development plan for the next development plan. Now more and more government has already realized control and guide the development.
2 when fellow endowment all, people of all ages will have a sense of security, everyone will someday become old. If people are convinced that old life happiness, will certainly devoted job.
Three speed is not feeling. But we can make sense of the amount we know that we in sports. We see things in our side, also feel we feel vibrations.