

11-15 BCABA 16-20CCBAB
21-25 DBCCB 26-30DDABB
31-35 BACBB 36-40FDGBC
41-45 ABCCD 46-50CABAD
51-55 DBACD 56-60CBBAD
61. It 62.in
63. thrown 64.luckily
65. ruler 66.who / that
67. to determine 68.have joined
69. freedom 70.celebrating
71. ... visit to her ... 去掉to
72. ... and walked ... walked → walking
73. ... was very thirst ... thirst → thirsty
74. ... drunk some water... drunk → drank
75. ... an environment... an → the
76. ... did great harm ... did → do
77. Why not bringing ... bringing → bring
78. ... is right. is → was
79. ... my advise ... advise → advice
80. ... instead buying ... instead后加of
One possible version:
Say no to attacks on teachers
There have been frequent reports ofteachers being attacked by their students, which has caused heated discussionamong people across the country. I feel shocked by such violent behavior. It'scompletely wrong of students to attack their teachers.
To prevent such tragedies from happeningagain, we must take immediate action. We need to educate the whole of societyto show respect for teachers and attach great importance to education. Afterall, we are on the road to development, which involves science and education.More importantly, laws should be made to stop violence against teachers in thefuture.

21. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的the schemes' staff make sure that all the companies whose cards youhave are informed可知,Credit Card Shield负责及时把顾客丢失银行卡的情况报告给相关公司。
22. B。细节理解题。由Legally, you can be ... personal identification number (PIN) on yourcard可知,如果你在丢失的现金卡上写了个人密码,你将为盗贼消费的账单埋单。
23. C。推理判断题。本文面向银行卡使用者介绍了丢失银行卡的应对办法,故很可能选自银行卡使用指南。
24. C。词义猜测题。由第一段But前后的内容可知,作者最喜欢业余时间去欣赏大片,但当他津津有味地吃着爆米花,享受着影片时,常常被坐在身边发短信和说话的人而激怒。故irritated在此意为“恼怒”。
25. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的a suggestion by a US cinema chain ... was met with such anger thatthe company had to give it up可知,该提议引起了人们的愤怒,最终没能实施。
26. D。推理判断题。由第三段中的a majority of 18-to-34-year-olds believed using social media whilewatching a movie would add to their experience可知,年轻人喜欢边看电影边玩手机。
27. D。作者态度题。由末段中的please don't sit next to me可知,作者非常反感人们边看电影边玩手机。
28. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的it is the first wrist-based wearable device developed specificallyfor PE class use可知,该产品专为体育课所用。
29. B。篇章结构题。由该句中的and is strong enough for many students to wear during PE classes可推知,It应指the ZONE。
30. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的... which allows teachers to efficiently make a record of how eachstudent performs in PE class, creating individualized exercises and goals forstudents based on their personal fitness levels可知,该系统可以跟踪学生在体育课上的表现。
31. B。推理判断题。由第四段中的We are firm believers that healthy habits are easier to keep theearlier you start, so introducing tools and resources at the school-leveloffered the perfect place to lay such an important foundation可知,Stacey Burr旨在谈论为什么要开发这一产品。
32. A。推理判断题。由第一段中的psychologists who study happiness believe we can pursue happiness.We can do this by removing negative emotions and developing positive emotions可知,作者在本段主要想告诉我们:我们可以选择快乐。
33. C。细节理解题。由Be grateful部分中的“This getspeople away from bitterness and despair,” he says, “and promoteshappiness”可知,天天做“感恩练习”可以使我们心情更好。
34. B。推理判断题。由Money can't buy happiness部分中的Regardless of what we achieve in the pursuit of money, it's nevergoing to bring about a lasting state of happiness可知,作者想借此表明:金钱不等同于快乐。
35. B。细节理解题。由最后一段中的This is a state in which your mind becomes thoroughly absorbed in ameaningful task that challenges your abilities可知,You're in the flow意指“你全身心地投入到一件事情中”。
36. F。由后句可知,尽管可以选择萨克斯之类的古典乐器,但它不适合管弦乐队。选择乐器前要考虑什么乐器与你喜欢的乐曲相匹配。因此前面的主题句应为F项(有些乐器是通用的,但也有一些适用于特定的音乐)。
37. D。由下文中的If you want to play with other people, what sort of instrument wouldbe most practical?提示可知,D项(是否和别人一起演奏?)与之内容吻合。
38. G。由上句A lot of instruments can be bought at different prices, for example,guitars可知,G项(当然这并不能否认一个事实,很多乐器,比如钢琴,总是很贵重。)与其构成对比。
39. B。由下文中的If you're small ... your obvious physical shortcomings ... smallskinny people can't play the tuba可知,B项(有任何的身体条件方面的限制吗?)与之吻合。
40. C。由前句中的you'll find the time spent choosing it was well worth it可知,C项表达的祝福更切合文意。
41. A。由本空后的design schools可知,我开始关注将来上什么大学(colleges),并且我知道纽约有最好的设计学院。
42. B。由本空后的which one可知,好的设计学院很多,问题(trouble)是得从中挑出一个最适合我的。
43. C。与本空后的culture构成并列。我发现FIT最适合我,因为它能立刻吸引我的兴趣(interest),并让我融入到纽约文化中。
44. C。由上句中的a good fit可知,我觉得这所大学能让我终生受益(benefit from)。
45. D。由本空后的but可知,时装设计专业也许很有压力(stressful),但这是我喜欢这个行业的一个方面。
46. C。由本空前的moving和changing可知,时装设计一直在变化中向前(ahead)发展。
47. A。与本空前的slow down构成呼应。时装设计变化很快,你除了考虑接下来会发生(coming)什么之外,根本来不及停下多想。
48. B。第46空前的changing有提示。时装是一个变化很快(changing)的产业。
49. A。50. D。由第49空前后的expressive industry和get your wordsout right可知,在你很难(difficult)用语言去表达一些东西的时候,你用时装设计展现自己的方式也是一种表达(speaking)。
51. D。由本空前后的reveal things about myself和express可知,我可以通过时装设计把自己展现给那些不熟知(know)我的人。
52. B。与本空前的opinions构成并列。我用服装设计来表达自己的观点和情感(feelings)。
53. A。由本空后我的变化可知,我上了高中后,艺术课的学习也很顺利(comfortable)。
54. C。本空后的learning more about design就是我去关注(focus)的方面。
55. D。由本空后的not included可知,不巧的是(Unfortunately),时装设计并不在我们的艺术课程范畴之内。
56. C。下句中的 a two-week class就是我在上课之余主动寻找的实践经历(experiences)。文章末句中的experience也有提示。
57. B。由下文中的learned how to ...可知,我参加(took)了一个为期两周的艺术设计课。
58. B。由上句我报班上课和本空后的learned可知,每天早晨我8点就进入(went in)教室。
59. A。我学会了按比例绘画人体,甚至还设计(designed)了我的第一款时装。
60. D。与本空前的ups and downs构成转折。学习时装设计尽管有曲折,但是(but)这段大学前的经历让我意识到这就是我需要去做的。
61. It。考查代词。设空处指代上文中提到的amulet,故填代词It。
62. in。考查介词。take part in为固定短语,意为“参加”。
63. thrown。考查非谓语动词。earth和throw是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填throw的过去分词形式作后置定语。
64. luckily。考查词性转换。设空处修饰谓语动词got,故填luck的副词形式。
65. ruler。考查词性转换。设空处前有形容词Egyptian修饰,后有同位语ThutmoseIII,故填rule的名词形式ruler。
66. who / that。考查限制性定语从句的引导词。设空处修饰先行词official,且在所引导的定语从句中作主语,故填who / that。
67. to determine。考查非谓语动词。it takes some time to do sth.为固定句型,意为“花费时间做某事”。
68. have joined。考查时态和主谓一致。由since引导的时间状语可知,主句谓语动词应用现在完成时态,且主语为volunteers,故填have joined。
69. freedom。考查词性转换。设空处考查名词,故填free的名词形式。
70. celebrating。考查非谓语动词。设空处和后面的名词Passover一起在宾语从句中作主语,故填celebrate的动词-ing形式。