

Cycling pros and cons
Cycling benefits:
A bicycle is one of the best tools to overcome the problems of cardiac function. More than half of the people are dying of heart disease, cycling is not only compressed by the movement of the leg blood activity, as well as the notes from the peripheral blood vessels pumping escaping dirty, in fact at the same time strengthen the microvascular organization in the world, called incidental cycle. Strengthen blood vessels can make you free from the threat of age, and young.
2, habitual cycling, more and expand your heart.
Otherwise, more and more fine blood vessels, heart more and more degraded, late in life, you will experience it brings trouble, then you will find how cycling is perfect.
Cycling is a sport requires a lot of oxygen, there was a time the elderly to six days to complete the 460 kilometers of bicycle travel. He said:
At least three times older one week campaign to make up the heart to strengthen and restore normal function. You make the heart beat fierce, but not too long.
So it will be able to adapt to an emergency situation, such as the plight of the coachman or resistance.
3, cycling also can prevent high blood pressure, and sometimes more effective than drugs. But also to prevent weight gain, hardening of the arteries, and bones strong half.
Bike so you do not have to use drugs to maintain health, and there is no harm.
4, the bike is a tool to lose weight, according to statistics, 75 kg weight person, an hour and a half at a speed of nine miles, riding 73 miles, you can reduce half kilogram of body weight, but you must persevere every day.
5, cycling, not only can lose weight, but also make your figure more shapely and charming.
By exercise to lose weight, or side diet side movement, first by the body than just dieting to lose weight much better and more attractive.
I do not know how to describe the more attractive, but in fact, the movement brought strong muscles, and excel at the sport of cycling as small ankle, than it is haggard, blue veins protruding diet, total pretty much it! Proper exercise can secrete a hormone, a hormone makes you mind cheerful, happy spirit. From experience, know cycling can produce this hormone.
6, in fact, riding a bicycle due to compression of blood vessels, making blood circulation and accelerate the brain more oxygen intake, so you inhale more fresh air.
After riding a while, you'll feel clearer brains.
7, riding this by itself physically to step on a two-wheeled bicycle, you will feel very free and very very fun, you can forget the work and life of unhappiness and difficulties, release the pressure does not have to exist.
8, a bike can take you avoid tourist fare. As long as you have time on weekends, you can ride your car, follow friends, intimate contact with nature. Enough time, you can travel long distances and enjoy different customs, different cultures experience the charm, increase your knowledge and experience, improve your communication and exchange with friends. It is not just a weight loss exercise is exiled spiritual pleasure.
Cycling disadvantages:
First, the most controversial injury: "The nature of the impact."
Cause: When the rider will oppress the perineum, the impact of local blood circulation, resulting in perineal discomfort, and even lead to prostatitis and "impotence."
Prostate congestion and "impotence": Many cyclists men will feel perineal pain, anal, it is intended, penile numbness, or the occurrence of urinary urgency, urinary frequency, testicular discomfort after the ride.
The reason is that the rider genitals squeezed, resulting in prostate congestion, swelling caused. The traditional bicycle seat, especially narrow rear, the front of the saddle can cusp male impotence into embarrassment
Female genital congestion and swelling: Some women patients on long bike ride to work, if the seat is too high, excellent handlebar height or discomfort, body weight will be too much focus on the seat, through the narrow
Counterproductive in the front seat perineum, urethral pressure on the segment, the external sphincter, causing urinary tract congestion, causing urination or frequent urination, urgency, or cause genital congestion and swelling of inflammation.
1. Choose the right car
Must be based on their height, weight, body proportions and even to choose the right bike when choosing a bike, you can, according to their bike to adjust. In short, you should let the bike to serve you, you health, fashion life activists.
2. Select and adjust the seat
If the seat is too high, while the cyclist sub relatively short, so that not only cause physical discomfort when riding a bike, incoordination, and because the rider can barely swing around to step down,
Perineum constant friction with the seat. In particular, the higher the rider leaving the front seat rearward center of gravity, or when the car is driving on bumpy roads so serious Britain lame, it is easy to stimulate the perineum, prostate cause redness, swelling and damage. So, pay attention to select and adjust the seat.
Second, argued needless harm: the harm the opponent.
Reason: time pressure is mainly in the upper limbs and riding exercise is extremely small, upper extremity blood circulation caused by the reduction.
Many people will feel numb after a long ride wooden hands, soreness, weakness, and even hold a pencil, using chopsticks to eat will also be affected, doctors call this condition the "cubit tunnel syndrome." Wrist and hand
Ulnar palm at the intersection of a cubit tube, peas from pea-sized bone and fibers, thus tube through the ulnar nerve, ulnar distribution of hand. If cycling handlebar with both hands, palms and ulnar
Handlebar contact, peas bone card ranks among forward when pedaling uphill or headwind, speed up, leaning forward, the wrist dorsiflexion bound over to make ulnar nerve traction; while the support arm
Force increases, the pressure inside the tube cubit also increased, thus causing the symptoms.
Solution: When a long ride, every hour or so to get off should look at the activities of upper limb. Also strengthening exercises for the upper extremity, such as basketball shoot, dumbbells.
Third, it should be noted that the damage: cervical and lumbar spine injuries.
The reason: The main problem is the riding position.
Cyclist excessive body lean forward (such as riding a sports car), in order to observe the front, Yang neck is bound to rise, which is a forced position can cause neck muscle tension. The heaviest burden on the waist when cycling.
Therefore, long distance cycling may lead to cervical and lumbar muscle strain.
to worry too much about the problem of harmful aspects of cycling.