用be going to写假期计划(5句)加翻译


I am going to visit my grandparents during the summer vacation.(我打算在暑假期间去拜访我的祖父母。)
We are going to spend a week at the beach next month.(我们计划下个月在海滩度过一周的时间。)
She is going to take a trip to Europe with her friends in the fall.(她打算和她的朋友们在秋季去欧洲旅行。)
They are going to go camping in the mountains for a few days.(他们打算去山里露营几天。)
He is going to attend a summer school program to improve his English.(他打算参加一个暑期学校的课程,提高他的英语水平。)
第1个回答  2022-05-28
I am going to swim with my friends(我要和朋友去游泳)
I am going to learn to cook(我要学做饭)
I am going to learn to play the drums(我要学打鼓)
I am going to do sports to keep healthy(我要做运动保持健康)
I am going to review the English words(我要复习新单词)