

"Hit"、"beat"、"knock"、"strike" 都是动词,表示用力撞击或打击某物或某人,但在用法和含义上有一些区别。


    He hit the ball with a bat.(他用球棒打击球。)

    The car hit the tree.(汽车撞到了树。)

    She hit the nail with a hammer.(她用锤子敲打钉子。)


    The drummer beat the drums rhythmically.(鼓手有节奏地击打鼓。)

    She beat the eggs to make an omelette.(她搅拌鸡蛋做煎蛋卷。)

    He was beaten by his opponent in the boxing match.(他在拳击比赛中被对手击败了。)


    He knocked on the door to ask for directions.(他敲门问路。)

    The woodpecker knocked on the tree trunk with its beak.(啄木鸟用嘴敲打树干。)

    She accidentally knocked the cup off the table.(她不小心把杯子从桌子上敲掉了。)


    The boxer struck his opponent with a powerful punch.(拳击手用有力的一拳击中了对手。)

    The thunderstorm struck the tree, splitting it in half.(暴风雨把树劈成了两半。)

    She struck the table in anger.(她愤怒地打击了桌子。)

