

Coca-Cola, invented by the American pharmacist John Pemberton, was originally intended as a refreshing and headache-relieving medicinal tonic. Pemberton's formula for "Pemberton's French Wine Cough Cure" was initially non-carbonated, meant to be mixed with cold water for consumption. However, through an accidental discovery, it evolved into a carbonated beverage.
On May 8, 1886, in the afternoon, a drunkard stumbled into Pemberton's pharmacy, requesting, "Give me a cup of that syrup; it'll cure my headache." The salesman was supposed to mix it with water, but being too lazy to move, he used the nearest three-inch soda syphon. The resulting drink was accidentally discovered to be appealing to the inebriated man, who exclaimed, "That's good! That's good!" Word of this fortuitous concoction spread rapidly.
Four years after John Pemberton's death, the rights to sell his invention were sold. Forty years later, Coca-Cola had become a global phenomenon. This carbonated soft drink, containing cola extracts and other flavorings, originated in the United States and has since spread worldwide.
However, cola contains caffeine, which is有害健康. Despite this, Coke's carbonation is beneficial as it helps the body to expel heat when carbon dioxide is belched out. Both children and adults are at risk of health issues from consuming cola. A study published in the UK's Birmingham University dental journal指出, cola and other carbonated beverages are major contributors to the dental erosion in young people.