

1. 你知道度过用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。
2. 度过英语说法1:spend。例句:他在乡间度过喊做迟晚年。翻译为:He spent his declining years in the country.
3. 度过英语说法2:though。例句:你通常是怎样度过你的空闲时间?翻译为:How do you usually spend your leisure time?
4. 度过英语说法3:live through。例句:他在乡村度过余生。翻译为:He spent the remainder of his life in the country.
5. 度过的英语例句:他在家里度过了一个寂寞的夜晚。翻译为:He spent a lonesome evening at home.
6. 她在海滨别墅度过了星期天。翻译为:She spent a Sunday at her villa at the seaside.
7. 我们已经度过了很多艰难时刻,也将度过未来的艰难时刻。翻译为:We made it through those hard times and we will make it through these.
8. 他度过了11年的单独监禁。翻译为:He spent eleven years in solitary confinement.
9. 他们有足够的粮食度过冬天。翻译为:They have enough food to go through the winter.
10. 我帮助她度过很多难关,现在她却不理我!翻译为:I helped her through all her difficulties and now she turns her back on me.
11. 他小时候夏天都是和爷爷奶奶一胡闭起度过的。翻译为:He used to spend childhood summers with his grandparents.
12. 我在伯明翰度过了一段非常快乐的时光。翻译为:I had a whale of a time in Birmingham.
13. 你在家度过了一段轻松时光。翻译为:You had an easy time of it at home.
14. 我跟一个老同学一起度过了那个夜晚。翻译为:I spent the evening with an old school friend.
15. 政府平安度过了其最严重的政治危机。翻译为:The government has weathered its worst political crisis.
16. 度过令人难忘的怀旧一日的绝佳环境。翻译为:The perfect setting for a nostalgic memorable day.
17. 我们在科尔迪岛上度过了一天。翻译为:We spent a day on CALDEY Island.
18. 我们可以一起私奔,但是我俩都不想在国外度过余生。翻译为:We could run off together, but neither of us wants to live the rest of our lives abroad.
19. 这种单一的专注对于度过初创阶段很有必要,但在成长阶段则可能使侧翼门户大开。翻译为:This type of singular concentration, necessary to get through the start-up phase, can leave flanks open in the growth stage.
20. 因着你我的歌音,太空都在震颤,一切时代都在你我捉迷藏中度过了。翻译为:With the tune of thee and me all the air is vibrant, and all ages pass with the hiding and seeking of thee and me.
21. 我是不会屈服的,我要度过这难关。战争结束后,我再也不要挨饿了。翻译为:I'm not going to give in. I'm going to live through this, and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again.