

1. as (或 so) far as in me lies [口语]尽力,尽我所能,尽我力量
2. lie at someone's door 见 door
3. lie at death's door 在死神的门口,行将就木,快要死了
4. lie at (或 on) the catch 埋伏以待;设陷阱捕捉
5. lie by the heels 坐牢,被监禁
6. lie dead 隐藏着
7. lie doggo 见 doggo
8. lie down on the job 偷懒;不干活;不卖力;磨洋工
9. lie heavy (或 hard) on (或 to, upon) 压迫;使痛苦;使烦恼;使…不安,对…加重负担
10. lie idle 不活动;被搁置不用;(资金)呆滞
11. lie in a nutshell 一言以蔽之;容易讲清楚
12. lie low 见 low
13. lie on the bed one has made 自作自受;自食其果 [亦作 As you make your bed, so you must lie in (或 on) it.]
14. lie in store (for) (某事)将要发生(于某人)
15. lie open 开着;暴露着
16. take…lying down 甘心屈服,甘心忍受 (惩罚、侮辱、冤枉等);俯首屈从于;逆来顺受
17. the lie of the land = the lay of the land [见lay n.
1. 谎言;谎话;假话
2. 假象,造成错觉的事物;欺诈,欺骗行为
3. 对谎言的申斥;直截了当的反驳
prevaricate , equivocate
1. a lie (made) out of (the) whole cloth = a lie with a latchet 一派谎言;全是假话
2. act a lie 用行为骗人,行骗
3. eighteen carat lie [美国英语]彻头彻尾的谎言,厚颜无耻的谎话,弥天大谎
4. give someone the lie in his throat 指责某人撒谎
5. give the lie to 1). 当面拆穿(某人的)谎言,指责(某人)撒谎;反驳 2). 证明(某事)不实,证明…虚假;揭穿
6. lie in one's throat (或 teeth) 撒弥天大谎;信口开河
7. lie like a gas meter 见 gas meter
8. Lies have short (或 on) legs (或 wings). [谚语]谎言总是要败露的。
9. live a lie 做人虚伪;过欺骗人的生活
10. nail a lie (to the counter) 戳穿谎言;戳穿西洋镜
11. swap lies [美国口语] 聊天,闲聊;胡扯;讲空话
12. throw a lie in someone's face 当面指责某人撒谎