英语: 根据下列要点,写一篇介绍汤姆的70词左右的短文。 ⑴小时候,他不喜欢上学,只对音乐感兴趣。

英语: 根据下列要点,写一篇介绍汤姆的70词左右的短文。 ⑴小时候,他不喜欢上学,只对音乐感兴趣。 ⑵18岁辍学,20岁成为一名歌手。 ⑶现在出名了,很热爱自己的工作,但他希望将来有机会能回到学校里读书。

Tom, a young singer who is very well-known around the country, hated school in his childhood. At that time, music was the only thing he found interesting. When he was 18, he dropped school to achieve his dream. He became a professional singer at the age of 20. Aithough he loves his enterprise, he still feels a little regretful. He hopes to go back to school if there is any chance in the future. After all, learning is the most important life job.