请翻译下列句子!急! |.在我成长的过程中,我的父母总是随时给予我帮助。 2.只要你开心就好

|.在我成长的过程中,我的父母总是随时给予我帮助。 2.只要你开心就好 3.某人作出抉择 4.把某事当真 5.那由他来决定 6.靠近我家的这家商店的服务比那家好多了。 7.你觉得他们公司电脑产品质量如何? 8.我们的英语教师很受同学们的欢迎,因为她非常爱我们。 9.有时父母把孩子的作业看得太重。 10.那的确是一条不错的建议。 11.雨一直下了一个星期。 12.我们才仅仅完成工作的一部分 13.我怕是没空来帮着准备学校19号的演出了。 14.我好期待再次见到我的好朋友 15.虽然很难,但他们依然做到了。 16.请于周五前以书面形式回答此邀请 17.你下周休假吗? 18.他们反复地干着简单的工作 19.一些机器人十分像人 20.他并没有参与作出此决定 21.现在己经有机器人在工厂里干活

你好,要采纳我哦。 1
When I was growing up, my parents always help me 2
As long as you are happy 3
Choose sb 4
Take sth seriously 5
It is him to decide 6
This shop near my home is much better than that of service 7
How do you feel about their company computer product quality?
Our English teacher is very popular with students, because she loves us very much 9
Sometimes parents take their children's homework was too heavy 10
It is indeed a good suggestion 11
It has been raining for a week 12
We finished the job only part of the 13
I'm afraid not free to help prepare the school No. 19 show 14
I'm looking forward to see my friends again 15
Although very difficult, but they still do 16
Please on Friday in written form before answering this invitation 17
You're going on vacation next week? 18
They do simple jobs over and over again 19
Some people are like a robot 20
He was not involved in the decision 21

Now already robots working in factories