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2003年,到了伊拉克,这一次看到了真正的战争,看到了炮火下的巴格达。但是我看到的,依然是认真生活着的人们。让我到现在还不能忘记的,是我的翻译在枪声当中,花了半个小时,亲手调配的那杯cappuccino。  我还记得,落日下,那几个美国小兵,在高高的碉堡上面,放下沉重的枪枝,一遍又一遍看着家乡亲人的来信,用有点亢奋的语调,和我讲着家乡的女朋友的故事。  虽然我没有到过波斯尼亚,但是我看过这样的纪录片。那里的人们,每天起床的第一件事情,是相互亲吻,祝贺大家在今天还活着。而那里的大学生们,每天到了学校,就会一起喝咖啡庆祝,又可以度过一天。那里的女人,大部分的时间是在美容院里面,她们唱歌跳舞,因为她们希望,即使生命短暂的,但是她们度过的每一天都是快乐的。

2003, when i was in Iraq, for the first time, i have seen war, and have seen the Baghdad in the war. But what I have seen are those people who are really living a life. To this moment, I still remember that my translator spent half an hour making a cup of cappuccino, with guns shooting outside. I still remember that when the sun set down, on those high forts, some American soldiers put down heavy guns, and read letters from their family over and over again, telling me stories about their girlfriend in hometown, in an exciting tone. Though I have never been Bosnia, I have seen this kind of documentaries. For people there, the first thing to do in the moring is to kiss each other to celebrate that everyone was still living today. As for college students there, when they arrived at campus, they would drink coffee to celebrate that they could live another day. Women there spent most of their time in beauty salon. They sang and danced, because they hoped that even if life was short, every day they lived was a happy day. (英语专业翻的)
第1个回答  2014-01-02
In 2003, to Iraq, this time to see the real war, saw the fire in baghdad. But I see, is still the people to live. I still can not forget, is my translation in the gunfire, spent half an hour, the cup cappuccino personally deployment. I still remember, sunset, the American Xiaobing, above the high bunker, put aside the heavy guns, over and over again to watch the home letter, with a little excited tone, and I speak the hometown girlfriend story. Although I have not been to Bosnia, but I have seen this film. The people there, get up every day the first thing, is to kiss each other, congratulations to everyone in the alive today. Where students, every day to school, will drink Coffee celebrate, but also spend a day. The women there, most of the time is in the beauty inside, they sing and dance, because they want to, even if the life is short, but they spent every day is happy.
第2个回答  2014-01-02