
so...that;such...that;so that结构

1. 你的表演很精彩,给我留下了深刻印象.
-> Your performance was so excellent that impressed me deeply.

2. 他在办公室里干得很出色,受到了老板的表扬.
-> He did so well in the office that he was praised by the boss.

3. 我们深受感动,以至于睡不着觉
-> We were so moved that we could not go to sleep.

4. 他进步那么大,大家都羡慕他.
-> He made a progess so greatly that everyone envied him.
第1个回答  2010-08-25
(1)Your performance was so wonderful that I was deeply impressed.

(2)He did such a good job in the office that he was praised by his boss.

(3)We were deeply moved so that we could not fall asleep.

(4)He made such a great progress that everyone envied him.
第2个回答  2010-08-25
1.Your performance is so fantastic that left me deep impression
2.He works so good in the office that has been praised by boss.
3.We have been such moved that make us difficult to fall asleep.
4.He has made great promotion so that everyone admired him.
第3个回答  2010-08-25
1.The performance you give is so excellent that impressed me.
2.He works well in office, so that to be praised by his boss.
3.Such moved that made us cann't fall to sleep.
4.Such progress he gets that lead all of us to admire.